* Defines a mode for seeking through a stream
var StreamSeekMode = Object.freeze(
FromBeginning : 0,
Relative : 1,
FromEnd : 2
* Creates a stream object
* This prototype is meant to be inherited by overriding the following two methods:
* ReadData(data, size) where data is an ArrayBuffer, size is the amount of bytes to read from the stream into the ArrayBuffer and the return value is the amount of bytes actually read.
* WriteData(data, size) where data is an ArrayBuffer, size is the amount of bytes to write to the stream from the ArrayBuffer and the return value is the amount of bytes actually written.
* @constructor
function AxStream()
this.position = 0;
this.length = 0;
this.buffer = new ArrayBuffer(8);
this.bufferUInt8 = new Uint8Array(this.buffer);
this.bufferInt8 = new Int8Array(this.buffer);
this.bufferUInt16 = new Uint16Array(this.buffer);
this.bufferInt16 = new Int16Array(this.buffer);
this.bufferUInt32 = new Uint32Array(this.buffer);
this.bufferInt32 = new Int32Array(this.buffer);
this.bufferFloat32 = new Float32Array(this.buffer);
this.bufferFloat64 = new Float64Array(this.buffer);
* Explicitly dispose of the resources allocated by the stream
AxStream.prototype.Dispose = function() { };
* Reads data from the memory stream into an ArrayBuffer and returns the number of bytes which were successfully read
* @param {ArrayBuffer} destination An array buffer of the appropriate size, into which the read data will be stored
* @param {Integer} size Number of bytes to read
* @return {Integer} The number of bytes which were successfully read
AxStream.prototype.ReadData = function(destination, size) { };
* Writes data to the memory stream from an ArrayBuffer and returns the number of bytes which were successfully written
* If writing at a position before the end of the stream, depending on the stream's write mode, new data can either overwite bytes ahead of the position or be inserted - pushing the existing data forward.
* @param {ArrayBuffer} source An array buffer which holds the data to be written
* @param {Integer} size Number of bytes to write
* @return {Integer} The number of bytes which were successfully written
AxStream.prototype.WriteData = function(source, size) { };
* Seeks number of offset bytes, in a manner determined by a seek type
* @param {Integer} offset The offset of seeking is a number of bytes
* @param {StreamSeekMode} seekType A seeking mode determines how to perform the seek. If omitted, seeking is performed from the beginning of the stream
* @return {Boolean} True if seek was successful, False other wise, if for example it was outside the bounds of the stream
AxStream.prototype.Seek = function(offset, seekType)
if (AxUtils.IsUndefined(seekType))
seekType = StreamSeekMode.FromBeginning;
var newPosition = seekType === StreamSeekMode.FromBeginning ? offset : seekType === StreamSeekMode.Relative ? this.position + offset : seekType === StreamSeekMode.FromEnd ? this.length - offset : -1;
if ((newPosition >= 0) && (newPosition <= this.length))
this.position = newPosition;
return true;
return false;
* Writes data from another stream
* After the writing is performed, the source stream's location is changed, according to the size of the data which was written
* @param {AxStream} source Stream which is the source of the data to write
* @param {Integer} size Size in bytes of the data to be written
* @param {Integer} maxBufferSize Maximum size of the buffer to use for the writing. Can be omitted.
* @return {Integer} The number of bytes actually written
AxStream.prototype.WriteStreamData = function(source, size, maxBufferSize)
if (AxUtils.IsUndefined(maxBufferSize))
maxBufferSize = 65536;
if (size === -1)
size = source.length - source.position;
var chunkSize = AxMath.Min(size, maxBufferSize);
var dataChunk = new ArrayBuffer(chunkSize);
var bytesToWrite = size;
while (bytesToWrite > 0)
var bytesToRead = AxMath.Min(bytesToWrite, chunkSize);
var bytesRead = source.ReadData(dataChunk, bytesToRead);
var bytesWritten = this.WriteData(dataChunk, bytesRead);
bytesToWrite -= bytesWritten;
if (bytesToRead !== bytesWritten)
return size - bytesToWrite;
* Reads a Boolean value from the stream
* @return {Boolean} A Boolean value read from the stream
AxStream.prototype.ReadBool = function()
this.ReadData(this.buffer, 1);
return this.bufferUInt8[0] !== 0;
* Writes a Boolean value to the stream
* @param {Boolean} value The Boolean value to be written
AxStream.prototype.WriteBool = function(value)
this.bufferUInt8[0] = value ? 1 : 0;
this.WriteData(this.buffer, 1);
* Reads a signed byte value from the stream
* @return {Integer} A signed byte value read from the stream
AxStream.prototype.ReadInt8 = function()
this.ReadData(this.buffer, 1);
return this.bufferInt8[0];
* Writes a signed byte value to the stream
* @param {Integer} value The signed 8 bit integer value to be written
AxStream.prototype.WriteInt8 = function(value)
this.bufferInt8[0] = value;
this.WriteData(this.buffer, 1);
* Reads a signed 16 bit integer value from the stream
* @return {Integer} A signed 16 bit integer value read from the stream
AxStream.prototype.ReadInt16 = function()
this.ReadData(this.buffer, 2);
return this.bufferInt16[0];
* Writes a signed 16 bit integer value to the stream
* @param {Integer} value The signed 16 bit integer value to be written
AxStream.prototype.WriteInt16 = function(value)
this.bufferInt16[0] = value;
this.WriteData(this.buffer, 2);
* Reads a signed 32 bit integer value from the stream
* @return {Integer} A signed 32 bit integer value read from the stream
AxStream.prototype.ReadInt32 = function()
this.ReadData(this.buffer, 4);
return this.bufferInt32[0];
* Writes a signed 32 bit integer value to the stream
* @param {Integer} value The signed 32 bit integer value to be written
AxStream.prototype.WriteInt32 = function(value)
this.bufferInt32[0] = value;
this.WriteData(this.buffer, 4);
* Reads a signed 64 bit integer value from the stream
* @return {Integer} A signed 64 bit integer value read from the stream
AxStream.prototype.ReadInt64 = function()
this.ReadData(this.buffer, 8);
return this.bufferInt32[1] << 32 | this.bufferInt32[0];
* Writes a signed 64 bit integer value to the stream
* @param {Integer} value The signed 64 bit integer value to be written
AxStream.prototype.WriteInt64 = function(value)
this.bufferInt32[0] = value & 0xFFFFFFFF;
this.bufferInt32[1] = value & 0xFFFFFFFF00000000;
this.WriteData(this.buffer, 8);
* Reads a signed 32 bit integer value of variable size from the stream
* In the 7-bit encoding, the last bit of each of the bytes of the value represent a flag which denotes whether this is the last byte of the value. This means that the value, if small enough, can be encoded in less than 4 bytes (or 32 bits)
* A value which uses this encoding practically uses 7 of the total 8 bits of each of its bytes, because the last one is a flag.
* This encoding potentially saves space for small values, while in the same time gives the ability to have large values as well.
* @return {Integer} A signed 32 bit integer value read from the stream
AxStream.prototype.Read7BitEncodedInt32 = function()
var result = 0;
var bits = new ArrayBuffer(1);
var bitsArray = new Uint8Array(bits);
this.ReadData(bits, 1);
result = (result << 7) | (bitsArray[0] & 0x7f);
while ((bitsArray & (1 << 7)) !== 0);
return result;
* Writes a signed 32 bit integer value of variable size to the stream
* In the 7-bit encoding, the last bit of each of the bytes of the value represent a flag which denotes whether this is the last byte of the value. This means that the value, if small enough, can be encoded in less than 4 bytes (or 32 bits)
* A value which uses this encoding practically uses 7 of the total 8 bits of each of its bytes, because the last one is a flag.
* This encoding potentially saves space for small values, while in the same time gives the ability to have large values as well.
* @param {Integer} value The signed 32 bit integer value to be written
AxStream.prototype.Write7BitEncodedInt32 = function(value)
var writeValue = 0;
var writeBytes = 0;
for (;;)
writeValue = (writeValue << 8) | (value & 0x7f);
value = value >> 7;
if (value !== 0)
writeValue |= 0x80;
var data = new ArrayBuffer(4);
var dataArray = new Int32Buffer(data);
dataArray[0] = writeValue;
this.WriteData(data, writeBytes);
* Reads an unsigned byte value from the stream
* @return {Integer} An unsigned byte value read from the stream
AxStream.prototype.ReadUInt8 = function()
this.ReadData(this.buffer, 1);
return this.bufferUInt8[0];
* Writes an unsigned byte value to the stream
* @param {Integer} value The unsigned 8 bit integer value to be written
AxStream.prototype.WriteUInt8 = function(value)
this.bufferUInt8[0] = value;
this.WriteData(this.buffer, 1);
* Reads an unsigned 16 bit integer value from the stream
* @return {Integer} An unsigned 16 bit integer value read from the stream
AxStream.prototype.ReadUInt16 = function()
this.ReadData(this.buffer, 2);
return this.bufferUInt16[0];
* Writes an unsigned 16 bit integer value to the stream
* @param {Integer} value The unsigned 16 bit integer value to be written
AxStream.prototype.WriteUInt16 = function(value)
this.bufferUInt16[0] = value;
this.WriteData(this.buffer, 2);
* Reads an unsigned 32 bit integer value from the stream
* @return {Integer} An unsigned 32 bit integer value read from the stream
AxStream.prototype.ReadUInt32 = function()
this.ReadData(this.buffer, 4);
return this.bufferUInt32[0];
* Writes an unsigned 32 bit integer value to the stream
* @param {Integer} value The unsigned 32 bit integer value to be written
AxStream.prototype.WriteUInt32 = function(value)
this.bufferUInt32[0] = value;
this.WriteData(this.buffer, 4);
* Reads an unsigned 64 bit integer value from the stream
* @return {Integer} An unsigned 64 bit integer value read from the stream
AxStream.prototype.ReadUInt64 = function()
this.ReadData(this.buffer, 8);
return this.bufferUInt32[1] << 32 | this.bufferUInt32[0];
* Writes an unsigned 64 bit integer value to the stream
* @param {Integer} value The unsigned 64 bit integer value to be written
AxStream.prototype.WriteUInt64 = function(value)
this.bufferUInt32[0] = value & 0xFFFFFFFF;
this.bufferUInt32[1] = value & 0xFFFFFFFF00000000;
this.WriteData(this.buffer, 8);
* Reads a 32 bit floating point value from the stream
* @return {Number} A 32 bit floating point value read from the stream
AxStream.prototype.ReadFloat32 = function()
this.ReadData(this.buffer, 4);
return this.bufferFloat32[0];
* Writes a 32 bit floating point value to the stream
* @param {Number} value The 32 bit floating point value to be written
AxStream.prototype.WriteFloat32 = function(value)
this.bufferFloat32[0] = value;
this.WriteData(this.buffer, 4);
* Reads a 64 bit floating point value from the stream
* @return {Number} A 64 bit floating point value read from the stream
AxStream.prototype.ReadFloat64 = function()
this.ReadData(this.buffer, 8);
return this.bufferFloat64[0];
* Writes a 64 bit floating point value to the stream
* @param {Number} value The 64 bit floating point value to be written
AxStream.prototype.WriteFloat64 = function(value)
this.bufferFloat64[0] = value;
this.WriteData(this.buffer, 8);
* Reads a string value from the stream
* @return {AxString} A string value read from the stream
AxStream.prototype.ReadString = function()
var dataLength = this.Read7BitEncodedInt32();
var charCodeData = new ArrayBuffer(dataLength);
var charCodeDataArray = new Uint8Array(charCodeData);
this.ReadData(charCodeData, dataLength);
var result = new AxString();
AxString.DecodeUtf8String(result, charCodeDataArray, dataLength, 0);
return result;
* Writes a string value to the stream
* @param {AxString|String} value The string value to be written
AxStream.prototype.WriteString = function(value)
var dataLength = AxString.GetStringAsUTF8Length(value);
var data = new ArrayBuffer(dataLength);
AxString.EncodeUtf8String(data, value);
this.WriteData(data, dataLength);
* Reads an uninterrupted set of text characters from the stream.
* Useful for reading a single word or number in a series of such
* TODO: make parameter for the interruption characters (or strings)
* @return {Number} An uninterrupted set of text characters read from the stream
//AxString AxStream.prototype.ReadText = function()
// Follow more AxString methods.
// TODO: implement them