Class: AxSphereGeometry

AxSphereGeometry(result, radius, radialSegments, heightSegments, twist, weldSurface)

new AxSphereGeometry(result, radius, radialSegments, heightSegments, twist, weldSurface)

Creates a sphere, segmented along its latitude and longitude
Name Type Description
result AxDeviceMesh The mesh to hold the sphere
radius Number The radius of the sphere
radialSegments Integer The number of segments along the latitudal circumference of the sphere
heightSegments Integer The number of segments along the longitude of the sphere
twist Number The number of twists along the height of the sphere
weldSurface Boolean Denotes whether to weld the edges of the surface which makes up the sphere. Welded sphere has no "stitched" edge, but can't have a fully proper texture mapped spherically, because it shares the same vertices with both textrure coordintas 0 and 1

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