* Creates a new AxString
* AxString is just a wrapper over javascript's reglar string and is given primarily for consistency with the C++ implementation of Axis
* It can freely be manipulated by both the AxString functions and the regular javascript string functions of AxString.contents
* @param {!*} source A source to use as a contents of the string
* @param {!Integer} radix If a source representing an integer number is provided, the radix parameter is used to denote the source's base. If not provided, a value of 10 is assumed
* @constructor
function AxString(source, radix)
this.contents = '';
this.Set(source, radix);
AxString.prototype.Set= function(source, radix)
if (AxUtils.IsUndefinedOrNull(source))
this.contents = '';
this.length = 0;
if (AxUtils.IsUndefinedOrNull(radix))
this.contents = AxString.GetNativeString(source).toString();
this.contents = AxString.GetNativeString(source).toStfring(radix);
this.length = this.contents.length;
* Sets capacity exactly to the desired amount
* @param {Integer} newCapacity The new capacity to be set
* @param {!Boolean} keepContents If true, contents of the string will be kept as much as the new capacity allows
AxString.prototype.ResizeCapacity = function(newCapacity, keepContents)
if (AxUtils.IsUndefinedOrNull(keepContents))
keepContents = true;
* Makes sure there is the amount of capacity deisred. If the desired capacity already fits in the current one, no change is made
* @param {Integer} length Length which to ensure to be available
AxString.prototype.EnsureCapacity = function(length)
* Sets the length of the string. If the new length is greater than the current one, the added characters are undefined
* @param {Integer} length Exact length to be set
AxString.prototype.SetLength = function(length)
AxString.prototype.GetLength = function()
return this.contents.length;
AxString.prototype.IsEmpty = function()
return this.contents === '';
AxString.prototype.GetContents = function()
return this.contents;
AxString.prototype.CopyCharacters = function(offset, source, sourceOffset, count)
this.contents = this.contents.substr(0, offset) + source.substr(sourceOffset, count) + this.contenst.substr(offset + count);
this.length = this.contents.length;
* Compares against the given string
* @param {AxString} str The string to compare against
* @return {Integetr} 0 if the given string exactly matches, 1 if it is greater, -1 if it is lesser.
AxString.prototype.Compare = function(str)
str = AxString.GetNativeString(str);
return str < this.contents ? -1 : str > this.contents ? 1 : 0;
AxString.prototype.Equals = function(str)
str = AxString.GetNativeString(str);
return this.contents === str;
AxString.prototype.Copy = function(source)
source = AxString.GetNativeString(source);
this.contents = source;
this.length = this.contents.length;
AxString.prototype.Insert = function(source, position, count)
if (AxUtils.IsUndefinedOrNull(position))
position = this.length;
if (AxUtils.IsUndefinedOrNull(count))
count = AxString.GetLength(source);
source = AxString.GetNativeString(source);
this.contents = this.contents.substr(0, position) + source.substr(0, count) + this.contents.substr(position);
this.length = this.contents.length;
AxString.prototype.IndexOf = function(substr, start)
substr = AxString.GetNativeString(substr);
return this.contents.indexOf(substr, start);
AxString.prototype.LastIndexOf = function(substr, start)
substr = AxString.GetNativeString(substr);
return this.contents.lastIndexOf(substr, start);
AxString.prototype.SubString = function(start, count)
return new AxString(this.contents.substr(start, count));
AxString.prototype.Remove = function(str)
str = AxString.GetNativeString(str);
return new AxString(this.contents.replace(str, ''));
AxString.prototype.Remove_2 = function(start, count)
return new AxString(this.contents.substr(0, start) + this.contents.substr(start + count));
AxString.prototype.Replace = function(str, substitute)
str = AxString.GetNativeString(str);
substitute = AxString.GetNativeString(substitute);
return new AxString(this.contents.split(str).join(substitute));// this.contents.replace() replaces only the first occurence
AxString.prototype.StartsWith = function(str)
str = AxString.GetNativeString(str);
return this.contents.indexOf(str) === 0;
AxString.prototype.EndsWith = function(str)
str = AxString.GetNativeString(str);
return this.contents.indexOf(str, this.contents.length - str.length) !== -1;
AxString.prototype.Trim = function(str, left, right)
str = AxString.GetNativeString(str);
var leftIndex = 0;
if (AxUtils.IsUndefinedOrNull(left) || left)
while (this.contents.indexOf(str, leftIndex) === leftIndex)
leftIndex += str.length;
var rightIndex = this.contents.length;
if (AxUtils.IsUndefinedOrNull(right) || right)
while (this.contents.indexOf(str, rightIndex - str.length) === (rightIndex - str.length))
rightIndex -= str.length;
return new AxString(this.contents.substr(leftIndex, rightIndex - leftIndex));
AxString.prototype.IsInt = function()
var n = Number(this.contents);
return !isNaN(parseInt(this.contents)) && (n === this.contents) && (n % 1 === 0);
AxString.prototype.ToInt = function(radix)
if (AxUtils.IsUndefinedOrNull(radix))
radix = 10;
return parseInt(this.contents, radix);
AxString.prototype.IsFloat = function()
return !isNaN(parseFloat(this.contents));
AxString.prototype.ToFloat = function()
return parseFloat(this.contents);
AxString.prototype.ToLower = function()
return new AxString(this.contents.toLowerCase());
AxString.prototype.ToUpper = function()
return new AxString(this.contents.toUpperCase());
// Static methods
AxString.GetNativeString = function(str)
return str.constructor === AxString ? str.contents : str.toString();
AxString.GetAxString = function(str)
return str.constructor === AxString ? str : new AxString(str);
AxString.GetLength = function(str)
return AxString.GetNativeString(str).length;
AxString.IsNullOrEmpty = function(str)
return AxUtils.IsUndefinedOrNull(str) || str.IsEmpty();
* Encodes a character into UTF8 and returns the size of the encoded data
* @param {Uint8Array} result The destination of the encoded UTF-8 data. If a null value is passed, no data is encoded
* @param {Number} resultOffset The offset in bytes, at which the encoded data should be written
* @param {Number} codePoint The code point of the character to encode
* @return {Number} The number of bytes in the encoded result
AxString.EncodeUtf8Char = function(result, resultOffset, codePoint)
var trailingByteHeader = 0x80;
var trailingByteBits = 0x3f;
if (codePoint >> 7 === 0)
if (result !== null)
result[resultOffset] = codePoint;
return 1;
if (codePoint >> 11 === 0)
if (result !== null)
result[resultOffset++] = trailingByteHeader | (codePoint & trailingByteBits);
result[resultOffset] = (0xff << (5 + 1)) | (codePoint >> 6);
return 2;
if (codePoint >> 16 === 0)
if (result !== null)
result[resultOffset++] = trailingByteHeader | (codePoint & trailingByteBits);
result[resultOffset++] = trailingByteHeader | ((codePoint >> 6) & trailingByteBits);
result[resultOffset] = (0xff << (4 + 1)) | (codePoint >> 12);
return 3;
if (codePoint >> 21 === 0)
if (result !== null)
result[resultOffset++] = trailingByteHeader | (codePoint & trailingByteBits);
result[resultOffset++] = trailingByteHeader | ((codePoint >> 6) & trailingByteBits);
result[resultOffset++] = trailingByteHeader | ((codePoint >> 12) & trailingByteBits);
result[resultOffset] = (0xff << (3 + 1)) | (codePoint >> 18);
return 4;
return 0;
* Decodes UTF-8 data into a string and returns the number of decoded bytes
* @param {Uint8Array} utf The source UTF-8 encoded data of the character
* @param {Number} utfOffset The offset in bytes, at which the the character is located
* @return {Object} An object containing the decoded character code point and the number of decoded bytes
AxString.DecodeUtf8Char = function(utf, utfOffset)
var trailingByteHeader = 0x80;
var trailingByteBitMask = 0x3f;
var result;
if ((utf[utfOffset] & trailingByteHeader) === 0)
result = utf[utfOffset];
return { bytesDecoded: 1, codePoint: result };
result = 0;
var bytesDecoded = 0;
var readBits = 0;
while (utf[utfOffset] >> 6 === 2)
result |= (utf[utfOffset] & trailingByteBitMask) << readBits;
readBits += 6;
var headerByteBitMask = (1 << (7 - bytesDecoded)) - 1;
result |= (utf[utfOffset] & headerByteBitMask) << readBits;
return { bytesDecoded: bytesDecoded, codePoint: result };
* Encodes a string in UTF-8
* @param {ArrayBuffer} result The destination buffer where the encoded result will be stored
* @param {Number} resultOffset The offset in bytes, at which the encoded data should be written
* @param {AxString} str The source string to be encoded
* @return {Number} The number of bytes in the encoded result
AxString.EncodeUtf8String = function(result, resultOffset, str)
var bytesEncoded = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++)
bytesEncoded += AxString.EncodeUtf8Char(result, resultOffset + bytesEncoded, str.charCodeAt(i));
return bytesEncoded;
* Decodes a string from UTF-8
* @param {AxString} result The string where the result will be stored
* @param {ArrayBuffer} utfData The source of the utf-encoded string
* @param {Number} utfDataLength The length in bytes of the utf data
* @param {Number} utfDataOffset The offset in bytes, at which the the string is located
* @return {Number} The number of bytes decoded from the utfData
AxString.DecodeUtf8String = function(result, utfData, utfDataLength, utfDataOffset)
result.SetLength(AxString.GetUTF8AsStringLength(utfData, utfDataLength, utfDataOffset));
var charIndex = 0;
var bytesDecoded = 0;
while (bytesDecoded < utfDataLength)
var decodedInfo = AxString.DecodeUtf8Char(utfData, utfDataOffset + bytesDecoded);
if (decodedInfo.bytesDecoded === 0)
result.contents += String.fromCharCode(decodedInfo.codePoint);
bytesDecoded += decodedInfo.bytesDecoded;
return bytesDecoded;
* Determines the number of bytes, required to encode a string in UTF-8 format
* @param {AxString} str The string for which to determine
* @return {Number} The number of bytes decoded from the utfData
AxString.GetStringAsUTF8Length = function(str)
var bytesEncoded = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++)
bytesEncoded += AxString.EncodeUtf8Char(null, 0, str.contents[i]);
return bytesEncoded;
* Determines the number of characters, encoded in a UTF-8 data sequence
* @param {ArrayBuffer} utfData The source of the utf-encoded string
* @param {Number} utfDataOffset The offset in bytes, at which the the string is located
* @param {Number} utfDataLength The size in bytes of the utf data to be decoded
* @return {Number} The number of bytes decoded from the utfData
AxString.GetUTF8AsStringLength = function(utfData, utfDataOffset, utfDataLength)
var charIndex = 0;
var bytesDecoded = 0;
while (bytesDecoded < utfDataLength)
var decodedInfo = AxString.DecodeUtf8Char(utfData, utfDataOffset + bytesDecoded);
if (decodedInfo.bytesDecoded === 0)
bytesDecoded += decodedInfo.bytesDecoded;
return charIndex;
AxString.ToBase64 = function(data, dataSize)
AxString.FromBase64 = function(base64String, data, dataSize)