AxMath.Pi = 3.14159265358979;
AxMath.Pi_d = 3.141592653589793238462;
// a.k.a. Tau
AxMath.Pi2 = AxMath.Pi * 2.0;
AxMath.Pi2_d = AxMath.Pi_d * 2.0;
AxMath.PiHalf = AxMath.Pi / 2.0;
AxMath.PiHalf_d = AxMath.Pi_d / 2.0;
// a.k.a The golden ratio
AxMath.Phi = 1.61803398874989;
AxMath.Phi_d = 1.6180339887498948482;
// Euler's number
AxMath.E = 2.71828182845904;
AxMath.E_d = 2.7182818284590452353;
AxMath.IntMin = Math.trunc(Number.MIN_VALUE);
AxMath.IntMax = Math.trunc(Number.MIN_VALUE);
AxMath.FloatMin = Number.MIN_VALUE;
AxMath.FloatMax = Number.MAX_VALUE;
AxMath.crcPolynomial_Normal = 0x04C11DB7;
AxMath.crcPolynomial_Reversed = 0xEDB88320;
AxMath.crcPolynomial_ReversedReciprocal = 0x82608EDB;
AxMath.crcTable = [];
* @constructor
function AxMath()
// Static methods
* Returns the truncated integer part of the given argument
* @param {Number} a The argument for which to get truncated value for
* @return {Number} The truncated integer part of the argument
AxMath.Trunc = function(a)
return Math.trunc(a);
//return a - a % 1;
//return parseInt(a);
* Returns the nearest integer value which is not less than the argument
* @param {Number} a The argument for which to get integer for
* @return {Number} The nearest integral value which is not less than the argument
AxMath.Ceil = function(a)
return Math.ceil(a);
* Returns the nearest integer value which is not greater than the argument
* @param {Number} a The argument for which to get integer for
* @return {Number} The nearest integral value which is not greater than the argument
AxMath.Floor = function(a)
return Math.floor(a);
* Rounds a value to an integer number
* @param {Number} x The number which to round
* @return {Number} Returns an integer rounded value of the given number
AxMath.Round = function(x)
return Math.round(x);
* Returns the lesser of two values
* @param {Number} a A value to compare against
* @param {Number} b A value to compare against
* @return {Number} The lesser of the two given values
AxMath.Min = function(a, b)
if (a < b)
return a;
return b;
* Returns the greater of two values
* @param {Number} a A value to compare against
* @param {Number} b A value to compare against
* @return {Number} The greater of the two given values
AxMath.Max = function(a, b)
if (a > b)
return a;
return b;
* Returns a number limited by a minimum and a maximum boundaries
* @param {Number} x The number to trim
* @param {Number} min Minmimum boundary to trim against
* @param {Number} max Maximum boundary to trim agains
* @return {Number} The number, trimmed if necessary, by the given boundaries
AxMath.Trim = function(x, min, max)
if (x < min)
return min;
if (x > max)
return max;
return x;
* Returns a value of the high 16 bits of a given number
* @param {Number} value The value to get the high 16 bits from
* @return {Number} The high 16 bits of the given number
AxMath.High = function(value)
return (value >>> 16) & 0xffff;
* Returns a value of the low 16 bits of a given number
* @param {Number} value The value to get the low 16 bits from
* @return {Number} The low 16 bits of the given number
AxMath.Low = function(value)
return value & 0xffff;
* Returns a value whose high and low 16 bit parts are constructed by the low 16 bits of two given values
* @param {Number} high The value from which to form the high 16 bit part of the result
* @param {Number} low The value from which to form the low 16 bit part of the result
* @return {Number} A number whose high and low 16 bit parts are constructed by the low 16 bits of two given values
AxMath.HighLow = function(high, low)
return (high << 16) | (low & 0xffff);
* Returns the sign value of a given number
* @param {Number} x The number whose sign to get
* @return {Number} Returns 1 if the number is positive, -1 if negative and 0 if it's zero
AxMath.Sign = function(x)
return x > 0 ? 1 : x < 0 ? -1 : 0;
* Returns the absolute value of a given number
* @param {Number} x The number whose absolute value to get
* @return {Number} Returns the absolute value of the given number
AxMath.Abs = function(x)
return x >= 0 ? x : -x;
* Raises a number to a given exponent
* @param {Number} base The base which to raise
* @param {Number} exponent The power to which the base will be raised
* @return {Number} Retrns the base raised to the given exponent
AxMath.Power = function(base, exponent)
return Math.pow(base, exponent);
* Calculates the natural exponent, that is the Euler's number, e, to the power of a given exponent
* @param {Number} exponent The power to which e will be raised
* @returns {Number} The natural exponent of the given value
AxMath.Exp = function(exponent)
return Math.exp(exponent);
* Calculates the square root of a number
* @param {Number} x The radicant number whose squre root to calculate
* @return {Number} Returns the square root of the given number
AxMath.Sqrt = function(x)
return Math.sqrt(x);
* Calculates the inverse square root of a number, i.e. 1 / Sqrt(x)
* @param {Number} x The number whose inverse square root to calculate
* @return {Number} Returns the inverse square root of the given number
AxMath.InvSqrt = function(x)
return 1 / Math.sqrt(x);
* Calculates the logarithm of x to a given base
* @param {Number} base The base of the logarithm
* @param {Number} x The argument of the logarithm
* @returns {Number} The logarithm of x to the given base
AxMath.Log = function(base, x)
return Math.log(x) / Math.log(b);
* Calculates the natural logarithm of x, that is, the logarithm of x to the Euler number, e
* @param {Number} x The argument of the logarithm
* @returns {Number} The natural logarithm of x
AxMath.Ln = function(x)
return Math.log(x);
* Calculates the common logarithm of x, that is, the logarithm of x to base 10
* @param {Number} x The argument of the logarithm
* @returns {Number} The common logarithm of x
AxMath.Lg = function(x)
return Math.log10(x);
* Calculates the sine of a number
* @param {Number} x The number in radians whose sine to calculate
* @return {Number} Returns the sine of the given number
AxMath.Sin = function(x)
return Math.sin(x);
* Calculates the cosine of a number
* @param {Number} x The number in radians whose cosine to calculate
* @return {Number} Returns the cosine of the given number
AxMath.Cos = function(x)
return Math.cos(x);
* Calculates the tangent of a number
* @param {Number} x The number in radians whose tangent to calculate
* @return {Number} Returns the tangent of the given number
AxMath.Tan = function(x)
return Math.tan(x);
* Calculates the cotangent of a number
* @param {Number} x The number in radians whose cotangent to calculate
* @return {Number} Returns the cotangent of the given number
AxMath.Cot = function(x)
return 1.0 / Math.tan(x);
* Calculates the inverse sine of a number
* @param {Number} x The number in whose arcsine to calculate
* @return {Number} Returns the arcsine of the given number
AxMath.ArcSin = function(x)
return Math.asin(x);
* Calculates the inverse cosine of a number
* @param {Number} x The number in whose arccosine to calculate
* @return {Number} Returns the arccosine of the given number
AxMath.ArcCos = function(x)
return Math.acos(x);
* Calculates the inverse tangent of a number
* @param {Number} x The number in whose arctangent to calculate
* @return {Number} Returns the arctangent of the given number
AxMath.ArcTan = function(x)
return Math.atan(x);
* Calculates the inverse cotangent of a number
* @param {Number} x The number in whose arccotangent to calculate
* @return {Number} Returns the arccotangent of the given number
AxMath.ArcCot = function(x)
return AxMath.Pi / 2.0 - Math.atan(x);
* Calculates the inverse of the tangent, obtained by two cartesian coordinates
* Produces a the quadrant-correct angle between the positive x-axis and the vector with the given coordinates
* @param {Number} x The X coordinate of the vector whose angle to calculate
* @param {Number} y The Y coordinate of the vector whose angle to calculate
* @return {Number} Returns the arctangent of the vector with the given coordinates
AxMath.ArcTan2 = function(y, x)
return Math.atan2(y, x);
* Produces a random integer number ranging from zero (including) to a given limit (excluding), i.e. in [0, n)
* @param {Number} n The maximum limit, between zero and which to generate the random number. The result can not include the limit itself
* @return {Number} Returns a random number between (and including) zero and the given limit (excluding)
AxMath.RandomInt = function(n)
return Math.trunc(Math.random() * n);
* Produces a random floating point number between zero (including) and 1 (excluding), i.e. in [0, 1)
* @return {Number} Returns a random number between (and including) zero and 1 (excluding)
AxMath.Random = function()
return Math.random();
* Generates the table used to calculate CRC sums.
* @param {Number} crcPolynomial The the polynomial used for generating the table
AxMath.CRC32GenerateTable = function(crcPolynomial)
AxMath.crcTable = [];
for (var i = 0; i < 256; i++)
var remainder = i;
for(var j = 0; j < 8; j++)
if (remainder & 1)
remainder = (remainder >>> 1) ^ crcPolynomial;
remainder >>>= 1;
* Calculates the CRC sum for a given source, based on a CRC table and a seed
* @param {Number} source The source for which to calculate a CRC sum
* @param {Number} size Size of the source in bytes
* @param {Number} seed The initial seed for calculating the CRC sum
* @return {Number} Returns a CRC sum for the given source
AxMath.CRC32 = function(source, size, seed)
var result = ~seed;
for (var i = 0; i < size; i++)
result = AxMath.crcTable[((result & 0xFF) ^ source[i])] ^ (result >>> 8);
return ~result;