* Creates a new graphics device
* @constructor
function AxGraphicsDevice()
* Creates a new mesh for the respective device
* @return {AxGraphicsDeviceMesh} New mesh for the respective device
AxGraphicsDevice.prototype.CreateMesh = function() { };
* Creates a new texture for the respective device
* @return {AxDeviceTexture2D} New texture for the respective device
AxGraphicsDevice.prototype.CreateTexture = function() { };
* Creates a new shader for the respective device
* @return {AxDeviceShader} New shader for the respective device
AxGraphicsDevice.prototype.CreateShader = function() { };;
* Sets a target window for presenting the rendering result
* @param {Canvas} windowHandle Canvas to use for presenting the rendering result
* @return {Bool} New mesh for the respective device
AxGraphicsDevice.prototype.SetRenderTargetWindow = function(windowHandle) { };
* Sets a target texture to render onto
* @param {AxDeviceTexture2D} texture Texture to use for rendering onto
* @return {Bool} New mesh for the respective device
AxGraphicsDevice.prototype.SetRenderTargetTexture = function(texture) { };
* Gets the pixel format of the device
* @return {AxPixelFormat} The pixel format of the device
AxGraphicsDevice.prototype.GetPixelFormat = function() { };
* Clears the frame buffer with a specified color
* @param {AxVector4} color Color to cleare the frame buffer with
AxGraphicsDevice.prototype.ClearScreen = function(color) { };
* Clears the depth buffer
AxGraphicsDevice.prototype.ClearDepthBuffer = function() { };
* Begins rendering a new scene.
* This method should be called before rendering a new frame
AxGraphicsDevice.prototype.BeginScene = function() { };
* Ends rendering of a scene.
* This method should be called after all rendering in a frame is done
AxGraphicsDevice.prototype.EndScene = function() { };
* Sets the viewport of the frame buffer
* @param {Integer} x Left boundary in pixels of the viewport
* @param {Integer} y Top boundary in pixels of the viewport
* @param {Integer} width Width in pixels of the viewport
* @param {Integer} height Height in pixels of the viewport
AxGraphicsDevice.prototype.SetViewport = function(x, y, width, height) { };
* Sets the mesh to render
* @param {AxDeviceMesh} mesh The mesh to be rendered
AxGraphicsDevice.prototype.SetMesh = function(mesh) { };
* Sets the rendering shader
* @param {AxDeviceShader} shader The shader to be set
AxGraphicsDevice.prototype.SetShader = function(shader) { };
* Sets the render state
* The render state represents a set of settings for the graphics device
* @param {AxRenderState} renderState The rendering shader to be set
AxGraphicsDevice.prototype.SetRenderState = function(renderState) { };
* Renders the mesh set to the device using the set shader and device settings
AxGraphicsDevice.prototype.RenderMesh = function() { };
* Presents the frame buffer on the screen to the set rendering target window
* @return {Boolean} True if presenting succeeded.
AxGraphicsDevice.prototype.Present = function() { };