* Creates planar mapped texture coordinates for a mesh
* @param {AxDeviceMesh} result The mesh to map texture coordinates on to
* @param {AxVector3} planeX The orientation and size of the mapping plane's X axis
* @param {AxVector3} planeY The orientation and size of the mapping plane's Y axis
* @constructor
function AxPlanarTexCoords(result, planeX, planeY)
var centerCorrection = new AxVector2(0.5, 0.5);
var numVertices = result.GetVertexCount();
for (var i = 0; i < numVertices; i++)
var vPos = new AxVector3();
result.GetVertexPosition(i, vPos);
var texCoords = new AxVector2();
AxMaths.GetBarycentricCoordinates(texCoords, vPos, planeX, planeY);
AxVector2.Add(texCoords, texCoords, centerCorrection);
result.SetVertexTexCoords(i, texCoords);