* Creates a sphere (geosphere) with the given radius and number of subdivisions, starting from an icosahedron
* New mesh vertices are created with their position filled
* New mesh indices are created
* @param {AxDeviceMesh} result The mesh in which to create the sphere
* @param {Number} radius The radius of the sphere
* @param {Integer} subDivisions The number of subdivisions to apply to the polygons of the sphere
* @constructor
function AxGeosphereGeometry(result, radius, subDivisions)
this.result = result;
this.radius = radius;
this.edges = new AxList();
var icosa = new AxDeviceIndependentMesh();
new AxIcosahedronGeometry(icosa, radius);
this.result.CreateIndexBuffer(icosa.GetIndexCount() * AxMath.Power(4, subDivisions));
this.result.CreateVertexBuffer(this.result.GetIndexCount() / 6 + 2);
this.currentVertexIndex = icosa.GetVertexCount();
this.currentIndex = 0;
var position = new AxVector3();
var normal = new AxVector3();
var texCoords = new AxVector2();
var numVertices = icosa.GetVertexCount();
for (var i = 0; i < numVertices; i++)
icosa.GetVertexPosition(i, position);
icosa.GetVertexNormal(i, normal);
icosa.GetVertexTexCoords(i, texCoords);
this.result.SetVertexPosition(i, position);
this.result.SetVertexNormal(i, normal);
this.result.SetVertexTexCoords(i, texCoords);
var numTriangles = icosa.GetPrimitiveCount();
var index = 0;
for (var triangleIndex = 0; triangleIndex < numTriangles; triangleIndex++)
this.result.SetIndex(this.currentIndex++, icosa.GetIndex(index++));
this.result.SetIndex(this.currentIndex++, icosa.GetIndex(index++));
this.result.SetIndex(this.currentIndex++, icosa.GetIndex(index++));
this.SubDivideTriangle(this.currentIndex - 3, subDivisions);
* Subdivides a triangle recursively
* @param {Number} triangleIndex The index of the triangle to subdivide
* @param {Number} subLevel The number of subdivisions
AxGeosphereGeometry.prototype.SubDivideTriangle = function(triangleIndex, subLevel)
if (subLevel === 0)
var i0 = this.result.GetIndex(triangleIndex);
var i1 = this.result.GetIndex(triangleIndex + 1);
var i2 = this.result.GetIndex(triangleIndex + 2);
var s0 = this.GetEdgeSubIndex(i0, i1);
var s1 = this.GetEdgeSubIndex(i1, i2);
var s2 = this.GetEdgeSubIndex(i2, i0);
this.result.SetIndex(triangleIndex, i0);
this.result.SetIndex(triangleIndex + 1, s0);
this.result.SetIndex(triangleIndex + 2, s2);
this.SubDivideTriangle(triangleIndex, subLevel - 1);
this.result.SetIndex(this.currentIndex++, i1);
this.result.SetIndex(this.currentIndex++, s1);
this.result.SetIndex(this.currentIndex++, s0);
this.SubDivideTriangle(this.currentIndex - 3, subLevel - 1);
this.result.SetIndex(this.currentIndex++, i2);
this.result.SetIndex(this.currentIndex++, s2);
this.result.SetIndex(this.currentIndex++, s1);
this.SubDivideTriangle(this.currentIndex - 3, subLevel - 1);
this.result.SetIndex(this.currentIndex++, s0);
this.result.SetIndex(this.currentIndex++, s1);
this.result.SetIndex(this.currentIndex++, s2);
this.SubDivideTriangle(this.currentIndex - 3, subLevel - 1);
* Gets the third index of a triangle polygon from two given indices of that polygon
* @param {Integer} edgeIndex1 The first index of the triangle
* @param {Integer} edgeIndex2 The second index of the triangle
* @return {Integer} The third index of the triangle
AxGeosphereGeometry.prototype.GetEdgeSubIndex = function(edgeIndex1, edgeIndex2)
// Look for existing subvertex
for (var i = 0; i < this.edges.count; i++)
if (((this.edges.Get(i).index1 === edgeIndex1) && (this.edges.Get(i).index2 === edgeIndex2)) ||
((this.edges.Get(i).index1 === edgeIndex2) && (this.edges.Get(i).index2 === edgeIndex1)))
return this.edges.Get(i).subIndex;
// Generate subvertex
var v1 = new AxVector3();
var v2 = new AxVector3();
var vsub = new AxVector3();
this.result.GetVertexPosition(edgeIndex1, v1);
this.result.GetVertexPosition(edgeIndex2, v2);
AxVector3.Subtract(vsub, v2, v1);
AxVector3.Scale(vsub, vsub, 0.5);
AxVector3.Add(vsub, v1, vsub);
AxVector3.SetLength(vsub, vsub, this.radius);
this.result.SetVertexPosition(this.currentVertexIndex, vsub);
// Add the edge's subvertex to the list
var newEdge = new AxEdge();
newEdge.index1 = edgeIndex1;
newEdge.index2 = edgeIndex2;
newEdge.subIndex = this.currentVertexIndex;
return newEdge.subIndex;
function AxEdge()
this.index1 = 0;
this.index2 = 0;
this.subIndex = 0;