* Creates a matrix object and initializes it as identity
* @constructor
function AxMatrix()
this._11 = 1.0;
this._12 = 0.0;
this._13 = 0.0;
this._14 = 0.0;
this._21 = 0.0;
this._22 = 1.0;
this._23 = 0.0;
this._24 = 0.0;
this._31 = 0.0;
this._32 = 0.0;
this._33 = 1.0;
this._34 = 0.0;
this._41 = 0.0;
this._42 = 0.0;
this._43 = 0.0;
this._44 = 1.0;
AxMatrix.handedness_Left = 0;
AxMatrix.handedness_Right = 1;
AxMatrix.handedness = AxMatrix.handedness_Right;
* Calculates the determinant of the matrix
* @return {Number} The determinant of the matrix
AxMatrix.prototype.GetDeterminant = function()
return this._11 * this._22 * this._33 * this._44 +
this._11 * this._23 * this._34 * this._42 +
this._11 * this._24 * this._32 * this._43 +
this._12 * this._21 * this._34 * this._43 +
this._12 * this._23 * this._31 * this._44 +
this._12 * this._24 * this._33 * this._41 +
this._13 * this._21 * this._32 * this._44 +
this._13 * this._22 * this._34 * this._41 +
this._13 * this._24 * this._31 * this._42 +
this._14 * this._21 * this._33 * this._42 +
this._14 * this._22 * this._31 * this._43 +
this._14 * this._23 * this._32 * this._41 -
this._11 * this._22 * this._34 * this._43 -
this._11 * this._23 * this._32 * this._44 -
this._11 * this._24 * this._33 * this._42 -
this._12 * this._21 * this._33 * this._44 -
this._12 * this._23 * this._34 * this._41 -
this._12 * this._24 * this._31 * this._43 -
this._13 * this._21 * this._34 * this._42 -
this._13 * this._22 * this._31 * this._44 -
this._13 * this._24 * this._32 * this._41 -
this._14 * this._21 * this._32 * this._43 -
this._14 * this._22 * this._33 * this._41 -
this._14 * this._23 * this._31 * this._42;
* Compares the matrix with another one and returns true if both are identical
* @param {AxMatrix} matrix The matrix to compare with
* @returns {Boolean} True if identical to the given matrix
AxMatrix.prototype.Equals = function(matrix)
return (this._11 === matrix._11) &&
(this._12 === matrix._12) &&
(this._13 === matrix._13) &&
(this._14 === matrix._14) &&
(this._21 === matrix._21) &&
(this._22 === matrix._22) &&
(this._23 === matrix._23) &&
(this._24 === matrix._24) &&
(this._31 === matrix._31) &&
(this._32 === matrix._32) &&
(this._33 === matrix._33) &&
(this._34 === matrix._34) &&
(this._41 === matrix._41) &&
(this._42 === matrix._42) &&
(this._43 === matrix._43) &&
(this._44 === matrix._44);
// Static Methods
* Copies the source matrix into the result
* @param {AxMatrix} result The matrix to copy to
* @param {AxMatrix} source The matrix to copy from
AxMatrix.Copy = function(result, source)
result._11 = source._11;
result._12 = source._12;
result._13 = source._13;
result._14 = source._14;
result._21 = source._21;
result._22 = source._22;
result._23 = source._23;
result._24 = source._24;
result._31 = source._31;
result._32 = source._32;
result._33 = source._33;
result._34 = source._34;
result._41 = source._41;
result._42 = source._42;
result._43 = source._43;
result._44 = source._44;
* Copies the source matrix into the result, treating them as 3x3 matrices by operating only on their first three rows and columns, ignoring the fourth row and column
* The fourth row and column are irrelevant in this operation and are ignored and left unchanged.
* It can be useful for example, in operations where translation must be disregarded
* @param {AxMatrix} result The matrix to copy to
* @param {AxMatrix} source The matrix to copy from
AxMatrix.Copy3x3 = function(result, source)
result._11 = source._11;
result._12 = source._12;
result._13 = source._13;
result._21 = source._21;
result._22 = source._22;
result._23 = source._23;
result._31 = source._31;
result._32 = source._32;
result._33 = source._33;
* Creates an identity matrix
* @param {AxMatrix} result The matrix to create identity into
AxMatrix.CreateIdentity = function(result)
result._11 = 1.0;
result._12 = 0.0;
result._13 = 0.0;
result._14 = 0.0;
result._21 = 0.0;
result._22 = 1.0;
result._23 = 0.0;
result._24 = 0.0;
result._31 = 0.0;
result._32 = 0.0;
result._33 = 1.0;
result._34 = 0.0;
result._41 = 0.0;
result._42 = 0.0;
result._43 = 0.0;
result._44 = 1.0;
* Creates a rotation transformation around the X axis
* @param {AxMatrix} result The matrix to create the rotation transformation into
* @param {Number} phi The angle of the rotation around the X axis
AxMatrix.CreateRotationX = function(result, phi)
var sinPhi = AxMath.Sin(phi);
var cosPhi = AxMath.Cos(phi);
result._11 = 1.0;
result._12 = 0.0;
result._13 = 0.0;
result._14 = 0.0;
result._21 = 0.0;
result._22 = cosPhi;
result._23 = sinPhi;
result._24 = 0.0;
result._31 = 0.0;
result._32 = -sinPhi;
result._33 = cosPhi;
result._34 = 0.0;
result._41 = 0.0;
result._42 = 0.0;
result._43 = 0.0;
result._44 = 1.0;
* Creates a rotation transformation around the Y axis
* @param {AxMatrix} result The matrix to create the rotation transformation into
* @param {Number} phi The angle of the rotation around the Y axis
AxMatrix.CreateRotationY = function(result, phi)
var sinPhi = AxMath.Sin(phi);
var cosPhi = AxMath.Cos(phi);
result._11 = cosPhi;
result._12 = 0.0;
result._13 = -sinPhi;
result._21 = 0.0;
result._14 = 0.0;
result._22 = 1.0;
result._23 = 0.0;
result._24 = 0.0;
result._31 = sinPhi;
result._32 = 0.0;
result._33 = cosPhi;
result._34 = 0.0;
result._41 = 0.0;
result._42 = 0.0;
result._43 = 0.0;
result._44 = 1.0;
* Creates a rotation transformation around the Z axis
* @param {AxMatrix} result The matrix to create the rotation transformation into
* @param {Number} phi The angle of the rotation around the Z axis
AxMatrix.CreateRotationZ = function(result, phi)
var sinPhi = AxMath.Sin(phi);
var cosPhi = AxMath.Cos(phi);
result._11 = cosPhi;
result._12 = sinPhi;
result._13 = 0.0;
result._14 = 0.0;
result._21 = -sinPhi;
result._22 = cosPhi;
result._23 = 0.0;
result._24 = 0.0;
result._31 = 0.0;
result._32 = 0.0;
result._33 = 1.0;
result._34 = 0.0;
result._41 = 0.0;
result._42 = 0.0;
result._43 = 0.0;
result._44 = 1.0;
* Creates a rotation transformation around an arbitrary axis
* Supports two input variants - a vector input and a XYZ input
* @param {AxMatrix} result The matrix to create the rotation transformation into
* @param {Number|AxVector3} x For XYZ input - the X component of the axis around which to rotate. For vector input - the vector around which to rotate
* @param {Number} y For XYZ input - the Y component of the axis around which to rotate. For vector input - the angle of rotation
* @param {!Number} z For XYZ input - the Z component of the axis around which to rotate. Omitted for vector input
* @param {!Number} phi For XYZ input - the angle of rotation around the given axis. Omitted for vector input
AxMatrix.CreateRotationAxis = function(result, x, y, z, phi)
if (!AxUtils.IsUndefinedOrNull(x.x))
AxMatrix.CreateRotationAxis_2(result, x, y);
var sinPhi = AxMath.Sin(phi);
var cosPhi = AxMath.Cos(phi);
var invCosPhi = 1 - cosPhi;
var sinPhiX = sinPhi * x;
var sinPhiY = sinPhi * y;
var sinPhiZ = sinPhi * z;
var invCosPhiXY = invCosPhi * x * y;
var invCosPhiXZ = invCosPhi * x * z;
var invCosPhiYZ = invCosPhi * y * z;
result._11 = cosPhi + invCosPhi * x * x;
result._12 = invCosPhiXY - sinPhiZ;
result._13 = invCosPhiXZ + sinPhiY;
result._14 = 0.0;
result._21 = invCosPhiXY + sinPhiZ;
result._22 = cosPhi + invCosPhi * y * y;
result._23 = invCosPhiYZ - sinPhiX;
result._24 = 0.0;
result._31 = invCosPhiXZ - sinPhiY;
result._32 = invCosPhiYZ + sinPhiX;
result._33 = cosPhi + invCosPhi * z * z;
result._34 = 0.0;
result._41 = 0.0;
result._42 = 0.0;
result._43 = 0.0;
result._44 = 1.0;
* Creates a rotation transformation around an arbitrary axis
* @param {AxMatrix} result The matrix to create the rotation transformation into
* @param {AxVector3} axis A vector representing the axis around which to rotate
* @param {Number} phi The angle of the rotation around the given axis
AxMatrix.CreateRotationAxis_2 = function(result, axis, phi)
AxMatrix.CreateRotationAxis(result, axis.x, axis.y, axis.z, phi);
* Creates a translation transformation
* Supports two input variants - a vector input and a XYZ input
* @param {AxMatrix} result The matrix to create the translation transformation into
* @param {Number|AxVector3} x For XYZ input - the X component of the translation. For vector input - the translation vector
* @param {!Number} y For XYZ input - the Y component of the translation. Omitted for vector input
* @param {!Number} z For XYZ input - the Z component of the translation. Omitted for vector input
AxMatrix.CreateTranslation = function(result, x, y, z)
if (!AxUtils.IsUndefinedOrNull(x.x))
AxMatrix.CreateTranslation_2(result, x, y);
result._11 = 1.0;
result._12 = 0.0;
result._13 = 0.0;
result._14 = 0.0;
result._21 = 0.0;
result._22 = 1.0;
result._23 = 0.0;
result._24 = 0.0;
result._31 = 0.0;
result._32 = 0.0;
result._33 = 1.0;
result._34 = 0.0;
result._41 = x;
result._42 = y;
result._43 = z;
result._44 = 1.0;
* Creates a translation transformation
* @param {AxMatrix} result The matrix to create the translation transformation into
* @param {AxVector3} translation The translation vector
AxMatrix.CreateTranslation_2 = function(result, translation)
AxMatrix.CreateTranslation(result, translation.x, translation.y, translation.z);
* Creates a scaling transformation
* Supports two input variants - a vector input and a XYZ input
* @param {AxMatrix} result The matrix to create the scaling transformation into
* @param {Number|AxVector3} x For XYZ input - the X component of the scaling. For vector input - The scaling vector
* @param {!Number} y For XYZ input - the Y component of the scaling. Omitted for vector input
* @param {!Number} z For XYZ input - the Z component of the scaling. Omitted for vector input
AxMatrix.CreateScaling = function(result, x, y, z)
if (!AxUtils.IsUndefinedOrNull(x.x))
AxMatrix.CreateScaling_2(result, x, y);
result._11 = x;
result._12 = 0.0;
result._13 = 0.0;
result._14 = 0.0;
result._21 = 0.0;
result._22 = y;
result._23 = 0.0;
result._24 = 0.0;
result._31 = 0.0;
result._32 = 0.0;
result._33 = z;
result._34 = 0.0;
result._41 = 0.0;
result._42 = 0.0;
result._43 = 0.0;
result._44 = 1.0;
* Creates a scaling transformation
* @param {AxMatrix} result The matrix to create the scaling transformation into
* @param {AxVector3} scaling The scaling vector
AxMatrix.CreateScaling_2 = function(result, scaling)
AxMatrix.CreateScaling(result, scaling.x, scaling.y, scaling.z);
* Creates an observer's view transformation
* @param {AxMatrix} result The matrix to create the transformation into
* @param {AxVector3} position The location of the observer
* @param {AxVector3} lookAt The location at which the abserver is looking at
* @param {AxVector3} up The observer's up direction. It represents how the observer is rolled.
AxMatrix.CreateLookAt = function(result, position, lookAt, up)
var xAxis = new AxVector3();
var yAxis = new AxVector3();
var zAxis = new AxVector3();
AxVector3.Subtract(zAxis, position, lookAt);
AxVector3.Normalize(zAxis, zAxis);
AxVector3.Cross(xAxis, up, zAxis);
AxVector3.Normalize(xAxis, xAxis);
AxVector3.Cross(yAxis, zAxis, xAxis);
result._11 = xAxis.x;
result._12 = yAxis.x;
result._13 = zAxis.x;
result._14 = 0.0;
result._21 = xAxis.y;
result._22 = yAxis.y;
result._23 = zAxis.y;
result._24 = 0.0;
result._31 = xAxis.z;
result._32 = yAxis.z;
result._33 = zAxis.z;
result._34 = 0.0;
result._41 = -AxVector3.Dot(xAxis, position);
result._42 = -AxVector3.Dot(yAxis, position);
result._43 = -AxVector3.Dot(zAxis, position);
result._44 = 1.0;
* Creates a perspective projection transformation
* The handedness of the projection is determined by AxMatrix.handedness
* The aspectHorizontal and aspectVertical parameters can be used to correct the field of view of the projection, usually either horizontally or vertically, according to the dimensions of the projection plane.
* @param {AxMatrix} result The matrix to create the transformation into
* @param {Number} fov The field of view angle of the projectin in radians
* @param {Number} aspectHorizontal Horizontal aspect ratio factor. Value of 1.0 results in no change
* @param {Number} aspectVertical Vertical aspect ratio factor. Value of 1.0 results in no change
* @param {Number} zn The projection's near clip plane distance
* @param {Number} zf The projection's far clip plane distance
AxMatrix.CreatePerspectiveFieldOfView = function(result, fov, aspectHorizontal, aspectVertical, zn, zf)
switch (AxMatrix.handedness)
case AxMatrix.handedness_Right:
return AxMatrix.CreatePerspectiveFieldOfViewRH(result, fov, aspectHorizontal, aspectVertical, zn, zf);
case AxMatrix.handedness_Left:
return AxMatrix.CreatePerspectiveFieldOfViewLH(result, fov, aspectHorizontal, aspectVertical, zn, zf);
return AxMatrix.CreatePerspectiveFieldOfViewRH(result, fov, aspectHorizontal, aspectVertical, zn, zf);
* Creates a right handed perspective projection transformation
* The aspectHorizontal and aspectVertical parameters can be used to correct the field of view of the projection, usually either horizontally or vertically, according to the dimensions of the projection plane.
* @param {AxMatrix} result The matrix to create the transformation into
* @param {Number} fov The field of view angle of the projectin in radians
* @param {Number} aspectHorizontal Horizontal aspect ratio factor. Value of 1.0 results in no change
* @param {Number} aspectVertical Vertical aspect ratio factor. Value of 1.0 results in no change
* @param {Number} zn The projection's near clip plane distance
* @param {Number} zf The projection's far clip plane distance
AxMatrix.CreatePerspectiveFieldOfViewRH = function(result, fov, aspectHorizontal, aspectVertical, zn, zf)
var f = 1.0 / AxMath.Tan(fov * 0.5);
var dz = zn - zf;
result._11 = f / aspectHorizontal;
result._12 = 0.0;
result._13 = 0.0;
result._14 = 0.0;
result._21 = 0.0;
result._22 = f / aspectVertical;
result._23 = 0.0;
result._24 = 0.0;
result._31 = 0.0;
result._32 = 0.0;
result._33 = zf / dz;
result._34 = -1.0;
result._41 = 0.0;
result._42 = 0.0;
result._43 = (zn * zf) / dz;
result._44 = 0.0;
* Creates a left handed perspective projection transformation
* The aspectHorizontal and aspectVertical parameters can be used to correct the field of view of the projection, usually either horizontally or vertically, according to the dimensions of the projection plane.
* @param {AxMatrix} result The matrix to create the transformation into
* @param {Number} fov The field of view angle of the projectin in radians
* @param {Number} aspectHorizontal Horizontal aspect ratio factor. Value of 1.0 results in no change
* @param {Number} aspectVertical Vertical aspect ratio factor. Value of 1.0 results in no change
* @param {Number} zn The projection's near clip plane distance
* @param {Number} zf The projection's far clip plane distance
AxMatrix.CreatePerspectiveFieldOfViewLH = function(result, fov, aspectHorizontal, aspectVertical, zn, zf)
var f = 1.0 / AxMath.Tan(fov * 0.5);
var dz = zn - zf;
result._11 = f / aspectHorizontal;
result._12 = 0.0;
result._13 = 0.0;
result._14 = 0.0;
result._21 = 0.0;
result._22 = f / aspectVertical;
result._23 = 0.0;
result._24 = 0.0;
result._31 = 0.0;
result._32 = 0.0;
result._33 = zf / dz;
result._34 = 1.0;
result._41 = 0.0;
result._42 = 0.0;
result._43 = - (zn * zf) / dz;
result._44 = 0.0;
* Creates an orthogonal projection transformation
* The handedness of the projection is determined by AxMatrix.handedness
* @param {AxMatrix} result The matrix to create the transformation into
* @param {Number} width The projection's width
* @param {Number} height The projection's height
* @param {Number} zn The projection's near clip plane distance
* @param {Number} zf The projection's far clip plane distance
AxMatrix.CreateOrthographic = function(result, width, height, zn, zf)
switch (AxMatrix.handedness)
case AxMatrix.handedness_Right:
return AxMatrix.CreateOrthographicRH(result, width, height, zn, zf);
case AxMatrix.handedness_Left:
return AxMatrix.CreateOrthographicLH(result, width, height, zn, zf);
return AxMatrix.CreateOrthographicRH(result, width, height, zn, zf);
* Creates a right handed orthogonal projection transformation
* @param {AxMatrix} result The matrix to create the transformation into
* @param {Number} width The projection's width
* @param {Number} height The projection's height
* @param {Number} zn The projection's near clip plane distance
* @param {Number} zf The projection's far clip plane distance
AxMatrix.CreateOrthographicRH = function(result, width, height, zn, zf)
var dz = zn - zf;
result._11 = 2.0 / width;
result._12 = 0.0;
result._13 = 0.0;
result._14 = 0.0;
result._21 = 0.0;
result._22 = 2.0 / height;
result._23 = 0.0;
result._24 = 0.0;
result._31 = 0.0;
result._32 = 0.0;
result._33 = 1.0 / dz;
result._34 = zn / dz;
result._41 = 0.0;
result._42 = 0.0;
result._43 = 0.0;
result._44 = 1.0;
* Creates a left handed orthogonal projection transformation
* @param {AxMatrix} result The matrix to create the transformation into
* @param {Number} width The projection's width
* @param {Number} height The projection's height
* @param {Number} zn The projection's near clip plane distance
* @param {Number} zf The projection's far clip plane distance
AxMatrix.CreateOrthographicLH = function(result, width, height, zn, zf)
var dz = zn - zf;
result._11 = 2.0 / width;
result._12 = 0.0;
result._13 = 0.0;
result._14 = 0.0;
result._21 = 0.0;
result._22 = 2.0 / height;
result._23 = 0.0;
result._24 = 0.0;
result._31 = 0.0;
result._32 = 0.0;
result._33 = - 1.0 / dz;
result._34 = zn / dz;
result._41 = 0.0;
result._42 = 0.0;
result._43 = 0.0;
result._44 = 1.0;
* Creates a matrix tranformation oriented towards the given vector
* @param {AxMatrix} result The matrix to create the transformation into
* @param {AxVector3} orientationVector The vector holding the orientation
* @param {AxVector3} orientationOrigin The vector holding the orientation origin
AxMatrix.CreateOrientation = function(result, orientationVector, orientationOrigin)
var rotationAxis = new AxVector3();
var phi = AxMaths.VectorAngle(orientationOrigin, orientationVector);
AxVector3.Cross(rotationAxis, orientationOrigin, orientationVector);
AxVector3.Normalize(rotationAxis, rotationAxis);
AxMatrix.CreateRotationAxis(result, rotationAxis, -phi);
// Creates a matrix tranformation with the given position, oriented towards the given target
AxMatrix.CreateOrientedPosition = function(result, position, target, orientationOrigin)
var orientationVector = new AxVector3();
AxVector3.Subtract(orientationVector, target, position);
AxMatrix.CreateOrientation(result, orientationVector, orientationOrigin);
AxMatrix.SetTranslation(result, position);
//AxMatrix translation;
//AxMatrix.CreateTranslation(translation, position);
//AxMatrix.Multiply(result, result, translation);
// Creates a matrix tranformation with the given position, oriented as possible towards the given target, with the given axis to rotate around
AxMatrix.CreateOrientationAxis = function(result, orientationVector, orientationOrigin, axis)
var actualTarget = new AxVector3();
var origin = new AxVector3();
origin.Set(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
AxMaths.PointToPlaneProjection(actualTarget, orientationVector, origin, axis);
AxMatrix.CreateOrientation(result, actualTarget, orientationOrigin);
// Creates a matrix tranformation with the given position, oriented as possible towards the given target, with the given axis to rotate around
AxMatrix.CreateOrientationAxis = function(result, position, target, orientationOrigin, axis)
var actualTarget = new AxVector3();
AxMaths.PointToPlaneProjection(actualTarget, target, position, axis);
AxMatrix.CreateOrientedPosition(result, position, actualTarget, orientationOrigin);
* Multiplies two matrices
* @param {AxMatrix} result The matrix to hold the result of the multiplication
* @param {AxMatrix} matrix1 The first matrix to be multiplied
* @param {AxMatrix} matrix2 The second matrix to be multiplied
AxMatrix.Multiply = function(result, matrix1, matrix2)
var _11 = matrix1._11 * matrix2._11 +
matrix1._12 * matrix2._21 +
matrix1._13 * matrix2._31 +
matrix1._14 * matrix2._41;
var _12 = matrix1._11 * matrix2._12 +
matrix1._12 * matrix2._22 +
matrix1._13 * matrix2._32 +
matrix1._14 * matrix2._42;
var _13 = matrix1._11 * matrix2._13 +
matrix1._12 * matrix2._23 +
matrix1._13 * matrix2._33 +
matrix1._14 * matrix2._43;
var _14 = matrix1._11 * matrix2._14 +
matrix1._12 * matrix2._24 +
matrix1._13 * matrix2._34 +
matrix1._14 * matrix2._44;
var _21 = matrix1._21 * matrix2._11 +
matrix1._22 * matrix2._21 +
matrix1._23 * matrix2._31 +
matrix1._24 * matrix2._41;
var _22 = matrix1._21 * matrix2._12 +
matrix1._22 * matrix2._22 +
matrix1._23 * matrix2._32 +
matrix1._24 * matrix2._42;
var _23 = matrix1._21 * matrix2._13 +
matrix1._22 * matrix2._23 +
matrix1._23 * matrix2._33 +
matrix1._24 * matrix2._43;
var _24 = matrix1._21 * matrix2._14 +
matrix1._22 * matrix2._24 +
matrix1._23 * matrix2._34 +
matrix1._24 * matrix2._44;
var _31 = matrix1._31 * matrix2._11 +
matrix1._32 * matrix2._21 +
matrix1._33 * matrix2._31 +
matrix1._34 * matrix2._41;
var _32 = matrix1._31 * matrix2._12 +
matrix1._32 * matrix2._22 +
matrix1._33 * matrix2._32 +
matrix1._34 * matrix2._42;
var _33 = matrix1._31 * matrix2._13 +
matrix1._32 * matrix2._23 +
matrix1._33 * matrix2._33 +
matrix1._34 * matrix2._43;
var _34 = matrix1._31 * matrix2._14 +
matrix1._32 * matrix2._24 +
matrix1._33 * matrix2._34 +
matrix1._34 * matrix2._44;
var _41 = matrix1._41 * matrix2._11 +
matrix1._42 * matrix2._21 +
matrix1._43 * matrix2._31 +
matrix1._44 * matrix2._41;
var _42 = matrix1._41 * matrix2._12 +
matrix1._42 * matrix2._22 +
matrix1._43 * matrix2._32 +
matrix1._44 * matrix2._42;
var _43 = matrix1._41 * matrix2._13 +
matrix1._42 * matrix2._23 +
matrix1._43 * matrix2._33 +
matrix1._44 * matrix2._43;
var _44 = matrix1._41 * matrix2._14 +
matrix1._42 * matrix2._24 +
matrix1._43 * matrix2._34 +
matrix1._44 * matrix2._44;
result._11 = _11;
result._12 = _12;
result._13 = _13;
result._14 = _14;
result._21 = _21;
result._22 = _22;
result._23 = _23;
result._24 = _24;
result._31 = _31;
result._32 = _32;
result._33 = _33;
result._34 = _34;
result._41 = _41;
result._42 = _42;
result._43 = _43;
result._44 = _44;
* Multiplies two matrices, treating them as 3x3 matrices by operating only on their first three rows and columns, ignoring the fourth row and column
* The fourth row and column are irrelevant in this operation and are ignored and left unchanged.
* It can be useful for example, in operations where translation must be disregarded
* @param {AxMatrix} result The matrix to hold the result of the multiplication
* @param {AxMatrix} matrix1 The first matrix to be multiplied
* @param {AxMatrix} matrix2 The second matrix to be multiplied
AxMatrix.Multiply3x3 = function(result, matrix1, matrix2)
var _11 = matrix1._11 * matrix2._11 +
matrix1._12 * matrix2._21 +
matrix1._13 * matrix2._31 +
matrix1._14 * matrix2._41;
var _12 = matrix1._11 * matrix2._12 +
matrix1._12 * matrix2._22 +
matrix1._13 * matrix2._32 +
matrix1._14 * matrix2._42;
var _13 = matrix1._11 * matrix2._13 +
matrix1._12 * matrix2._23 +
matrix1._13 * matrix2._33 +
matrix1._14 * matrix2._43;
var _21 = matrix1._21 * matrix2._11 +
matrix1._22 * matrix2._21 +
matrix1._23 * matrix2._31 +
matrix1._24 * matrix2._41;
var _22 = matrix1._21 * matrix2._12 +
matrix1._22 * matrix2._22 +
matrix1._23 * matrix2._32 +
matrix1._24 * matrix2._42;
var _23 = matrix1._21 * matrix2._13 +
matrix1._22 * matrix2._23 +
matrix1._23 * matrix2._33 +
matrix1._24 * matrix2._43;
var _31 = matrix1._31 * matrix2._11 +
matrix1._32 * matrix2._21 +
matrix1._33 * matrix2._31 +
matrix1._34 * matrix2._41;
var _32 = matrix1._31 * matrix2._12 +
matrix1._32 * matrix2._22 +
matrix1._33 * matrix2._32 +
matrix1._34 * matrix2._42;
var _33 = matrix1._31 * matrix2._13 +
matrix1._32 * matrix2._23 +
matrix1._33 * matrix2._33 +
matrix1._34 * matrix2._43;
result._11 = _11;
result._12 = _12;
result._13 = _13;
result._21 = _21;
result._22 = _22;
result._23 = _23;
result._31 = _31;
result._32 = _32;
result._33 = _33;
* Transposes a matrix
* @param {AxMatrix} result The matrix to hold the result of the transposing
* @param {AxMatrix} source The source matrix of the transposing
AxMatrix.Transpose = function(result, source)
var _11 = source._11;
var _12 = source._21;
var _13 = source._31;
var _14 = source._41;
var _21 = source._12;
var _22 = source._22;
var _23 = source._32;
var _24 = source._42;
var _31 = source._13;
var _32 = source._23;
var _33 = source._33;
var _34 = source._43;
var _41 = source._14;
var _42 = source._24;
var _43 = source._34;
var _44 = source._44;
result._11 = _11;
result._12 = _12;
result._13 = _13;
result._14 = _14;
result._21 = _21;
result._22 = _22;
result._23 = _23;
result._24 = _24;
result._31 = _31;
result._32 = _32;
result._33 = _33;
result._34 = _34;
result._41 = _41;
result._42 = _42;
result._43 = _43;
result._44 = _44;
* Transposes a matrix, treating it as a 3x3 matrix by operating only on the first three rows and columns, ignoring the fourth row and column
* The fourth row and column are irrelevant in this operation and are ignored and left unchanged.
* It can be useful for example, in operations where translation must be disregarded
* @param {AxMatrix} result The matrix to hold the result of the transposing
* @param {AxMatrix} source The source matrix of the transposing
AxMatrix.Transpose3x3 = function(result, source)
var _11 = source._11;
var _12 = source._21;
var _13 = source._31;
var _21 = source._12;
var _22 = source._22;
var _23 = source._32;
var _31 = source._13;
var _32 = source._23;
var _33 = source._33;
result._11 = _11;
result._12 = _12;
result._13 = _13;
result._21 = _21;
result._22 = _22;
result._23 = _23;
result._31 = _31;
result._32 = _32;
result._33 = _33;
* Inverts a matrix
* @param {AxMatrix} result The matrix to hold the result of the inversion
* @param {AxMatrix} source The source matrix of the inversion
AxMatrix.Invert = function(result, source)
var det = source.GetDeterminant();
if (det === 0.0)
det = 1.0 / det;
var _11 = det * (source._22 * source._33 * source._44 +
source._23 * source._34 * source._42 +
source._24 * source._32 * source._43 -
source._22 * source._34 * source._43 -
source._23 * source._32 * source._44 -
source._24 * source._33 * source._42);
var _12 = det * (source._12 * source._34 * source._43 +
source._13 * source._32 * source._44 +
source._14 * source._33 * source._42 -
source._12 * source._33 * source._44 -
source._13 * source._34 * source._42 -
source._14 * source._32 * source._43);
var _13 = det * (source._12 * source._23 * source._44 +
source._13 * source._24 * source._42 +
source._14 * source._22 * source._43 -
source._12 * source._24 * source._43 -
source._13 * source._22 * source._44 -
source._14 * source._23 * source._42);
var _14 = det * (source._12 * source._24 * source._33 +
source._13 * source._22 * source._34 +
source._14 * source._23 * source._32 -
source._12 * source._23 * source._34 -
source._13 * source._24 * source._32 -
source._14 * source._22 * source._33);
var _21 = det * (source._21 * source._34 * source._43 +
source._23 * source._31 * source._44 +
source._24 * source._33 * source._41 -
source._21 * source._33 * source._44 -
source._23 * source._34 * source._41 -
source._24 * source._31 * source._43);
var _22 = det * (source._11 * source._33 * source._44 +
source._13 * source._34 * source._41 +
source._14 * source._31 * source._43 -
source._11 * source._34 * source._43 -
source._13 * source._31 * source._44 -
source._14 * source._33 * source._41);
var _23 = det * (source._11 * source._24 * source._43 +
source._13 * source._21 * source._44 +
source._14 * source._23 * source._41 -
source._11 * source._23 * source._44 -
source._13 * source._24 * source._41 -
source._14 * source._21 * source._43);
var _24 = det * (source._11 * source._23 * source._34 +
source._13 * source._24 * source._31 +
source._14 * source._21 * source._33 -
source._11 * source._24 * source._33 -
source._13 * source._21 * source._34 -
source._14 * source._23 * source._31);
var _31 = det * (source._21 * source._32 * source._44 +
source._22 * source._34 * source._41 +
source._24 * source._31 * source._42 -
source._21 * source._34 * source._42 -
source._22 * source._31 * source._44 -
source._24 * source._32 * source._41);
var _32 = det * (source._11 * source._34 * source._42 +
source._12 * source._31 * source._44 +
source._14 * source._32 * source._41 -
source._11 * source._32 * source._44 -
source._12 * source._34 * source._41 -
source._14 * source._31 * source._42);
var _33 = det * (source._11 * source._22 * source._44 +
source._12 * source._24 * source._41 +
source._14 * source._21 * source._42 -
source._11 * source._24 * source._42 -
source._12 * source._21 * source._44 -
source._14 * source._22 * source._41);
var _34 = det * (source._11 * source._24 * source._32 +
source._12 * source._21 * source._34 +
source._14 * source._22 * source._31 -
source._11 * source._22 * source._34 -
source._12 * source._24 * source._31 -
source._14 * source._21 * source._32);
var _41 = det * (source._21 * source._33 * source._42 +
source._22 * source._31 * source._43 +
source._23 * source._32 * source._41 -
source._21 * source._32 * source._43 -
source._22 * source._33 * source._41 -
source._23 * source._31 * source._42);
var _42 = det * (source._11 * source._32 * source._43 +
source._12 * source._33 * source._41 +
source._13 * source._31 * source._42 -
source._11 * source._33 * source._42 -
source._12 * source._31 * source._43 -
source._13 * source._32 * source._41);
var _43 = det * (source._11 * source._23 * source._42 +
source._12 * source._21 * source._43 +
source._13 * source._22 * source._41 -
source._11 * source._22 * source._43 -
source._12 * source._23 * source._41 -
source._13 * source._21 * source._42);
var _44 = det * (source._11 * source._22 * source._33 +
source._12 * source._23 * source._31 +
source._13 * source._21 * source._32 -
source._11 * source._23 * source._32 -
source._12 * source._21 * source._33 -
source._13 * source._22 * source._31);
result._11 = _11;
result._12 = _12;
result._13 = _13;
result._14 = _14;
result._21 = _21;
result._22 = _22;
result._23 = _23;
result._24 = _24;
result._31 = _31;
result._32 = _32;
result._33 = _33;
result._34 = _34;
result._41 = _41;
result._42 = _42;
result._43 = _43;
result._44 = _44;
* Inverts a matrix, treating it as a 3x3 matrix by operating only on the first three rows and columns, ignoring the fourth row and column
* The fourth row and column are irrelevant in this operation and are ignored and left unchanged.
* It is much faster than inverting the whole matrix and can be useful for example, in operations where translation must be disregarded
* @param {AxMatrix} result The matrix to hold the result of the inversion
* @param {AxMatrix} source The source matrix of the inversion
AxMatrix.Invert3x3 = function(result, source)
var det = source._12 * source._23 * source._31 +
source._13 * source._21 * source._32 -
source._11 * source._23 * source._32 -
source._12 * source._21 * source._33 -
source._13 * source._22 * source._31;
if (det === 0.0)
det = 1.0 / det;
var _11 = det * (source._22 * source._33 - source._23 * source._32);
var _12 = det * (source._13 * source._32 - source._12 * source._33);
var _13 = det * (source._12 * source._23 - source._13 * source._22);
var _21 = det * (source._23 * source._31 - source._21 * source._33);
var _22 = det * (source._11 * source._33 - source._13 * source._31);
var _23 = det * (source._13 * source._21 - source._11 * source._23);
var _31 = det * (source._21 * source._32 - source._22 * source._31);
var _32 = det * (source._12 * source._31 - source._11 * source._32);
var _33 = det * (source._11 * source._22 - source._12 * source._21);
result._11 = _11;
result._12 = _12;
result._13 = _13;
result._21 = _21;
result._22 = _22;
result._23 = _23;
result._31 = _31;
result._32 = _32;
result._33 = _33;
* Inverts and transposes a matrix, treating it as a 3x3 matrix by operating only on the first three rows and columns, ignoring the fourth row and column
* The fourth row and column are irrelevant in this operation and are ignored and left unchanged.
* It is much faster than inverting the whole matrix and can be useful in some cases, particularly for generating a transformation to apply on normals, when a non-uniform scaling is in effect
* @param {AxMatrix} result The matrix to hold the result of the inversion
* @param {AxMatrix} source The source matrix of the inversion
AxMatrix.InvertTranspose3x3 = function(result, source)
var det = source._12 * source._23 * source._31 +
source._13 * source._21 * source._32 -
source._11 * source._23 * source._32 -
source._12 * source._21 * source._33 -
source._13 * source._22 * source._31;
if (det === 0.0)
det = 1.0 / det;
var _11 = det * (source._22 * source._33 - source._23 * source._32);
var _12 = det * (source._13 * source._32 - source._12 * source._33);
var _13 = det * (source._12 * source._23 - source._13 * source._22);
var _21 = det * (source._23 * source._31 - source._21 * source._33);
var _22 = det * (source._11 * source._33 - source._13 * source._31);
var _23 = det * (source._13 * source._21 - source._11 * source._23);
var _31 = det * (source._21 * source._32 - source._22 * source._31);
var _32 = det * (source._12 * source._31 - source._11 * source._32);
var _33 = det * (source._11 * source._22 - source._12 * source._21);
result._11 = _11;
result._12 = _21;
result._13 = _31;
result._21 = _12;
result._22 = _22;
result._23 = _32;
result._31 = _13;
result._32 = _23;
result._33 = _33;
* Gets the X axis of a matrix transformation
* @param {AxVector3} result The vector to hold the resulting axis
* @param {AxMatrix} source The matrix which holds the whole transformation
AxMatrix.GetAxisX = function(result, source)
result.x = source._11;
result.y = source._12;
result.z = source._13;
* Sets the X axis of a matrix transformation
* @param {AxMatrix} result The matrix to have its X axis set
* @param {AxVector3} source The vector to be set as X axis in the given matrix
AxMatrix.SetAxisX = function(result, source)
result._11 = source.x;
result._12 = source.y;
result._13 = source.z;
* Gets the Y axis of a matrix transformation
* @param {AxVector3} result The vector to hold the resulting axis
* @param {AxMatrix} source The matrix which holds the whole transformation
AxMatrix.GetAxisY = function(result, source)
result.x = source._21;
result.y = source._22;
result.z = source._23;
* Sets the Y axis of a matrix transformation
* @param {AxMatrix} result The matrix to have its Y axis set
* @param {AxVector3} source The vector to be set as Y axis in the given matrix
AxMatrix.SetAxisY = function(result, source)
result._21 = source.x;
result._22 = source.y;
result._23 = source.z;
* Gets the Z axis of a matrix transformation
* @param {AxVector3} result The vector to hold the resulting axis
* @param {AxMatrix} source The matrix which holds the whole transformation
AxMatrix.GetAxisZ = function(result, source)
result.x = source._31;
result.y = source._32;
result.z = source._33;
* Sets the Z axis of a matrix transformation
* @param {AxMatrix} result The matrix to have its Z axis set
* @param {AxVector3} source The vector to be set as Z axis in the given matrix
AxMatrix.SetAxisZ = function(result, source)
result._31 = source.x;
result._32 = source.y;
result._33 = source.z;
* Gets the translation vector of a matrix transformation
* @param {AxVector3} result The vector to hold the resulting translation
* @param {AxMatrix} source The matrix which holds the whole transformation
AxMatrix.GetTranslation = function(result, source)
result.x = source._41;
result.y = source._42;
result.z = source._43;
* Sets the translation of a matrix transformation
* @param {AxMatrix} result The matrix to have its translation set
* @param {AxVector3} translation The vector to be set as translation in the given matrix
AxMatrix.SetTranslation = function(result, translation)
result._41 = translation.x;
result._42 = translation.y;
result._43 = translation.z;
* Extracts the scaling vector of a matrix transformation
* @param {AxVector3} result The vector to hold the resulting scaling
* @param {AxMatrix} source The matrix which holds the whole transformationx
AxMatrix.GetScaling = function(result, source)
result.x = AxMath.Sqrt(source._11 * source._11 + source._12 * source._12 + source._13 * source._13);
result.y = AxMath.Sqrt(source._21 * source._21 + source._22 * source._22 + source._23 * source._23);
result.z = AxMath.Sqrt(source._31 * source._31 + source._32 * source._32 + source._33 * source._33);
* Sets the scaling of a matrix transformation
* @param {AxMatrix} result The matrix to have its scaling set
* @param {AxVector3} scaling The vector to be set as scaling in the given matrix
AxMatrix.SetScaling = function(result, scaling)
var factor;
factor = AxMath.Sqrt(result._11 * result._11 + result._12 * result._12 + result._13 * result._13);
if (factor !== 0)
factor = scaling.x / factor;
result._11 *= factor;
result._12 *= factor;
result._13 *= factor;
factor = AxMath.Sqrt(result._21 * result._21 + result._22 * result._22 + result._23 * result._23);
if (factor !== 0)
factor = scaling.y / factor;
result._21 *= factor;
result._22 *= factor;
result._23 *= factor;
factor = AxMath.Sqrt(result._31 * result._31 + result._32 * result._32 + result._33 * result._33);
if (factor !== 0)
factor = scaling.z / factor;
result._31 *= factor;
result._32 *= factor;
result._33 *= factor;
* Extracts the Euler rotation angles in XYZ sequence of a matrix transformation
* @param {AxVector3} result The vector to hold the resulting Euler rotation
* @param {AxMatrix} source The matrix which holds the whole transformationx
AxMatrix.ExtractEulerRotationXYZ = function(result, source)
result.x = AxMath.ArcTan2(source._23, source._33);
var cosY = AxMath.Sqrt(source._11 * source._11 + source._12 * source._12);
result.y = AxMath.ArcTan2(-source._13, cosY);
var sinX = AxMath.Sin(result.x);
var cosX = AxMath.Cos(result.x);
result.z = AxMath.ArcTan2(sinX * source._31 - cosX * source._21, cosX * source._22 - sinX * source._32);