* Creates an input model, which updates a property value according to a given input.
* The value of the property is controlled by the given factor parameters and is calculated as follows:
* originalValue * originalFactor + inputValue * inputFactor + originalValue * inputValue * multiplicationFactor
* The property can be either Float, Int or Bool, where any absolute value equal or greater than 1.0 is considered true
* @param {Axis} context The instance of Axis, to which the model will be applied
* @param {AxProperty} linkedProperty The transform which is to act as a pivot for orbiting around
* @param {String|AxString} valueInput Names of the inputs to use as input value. Passing a null or empty string value would discard the control.
* @param {String|AxString} conditionInput Names of the inputs to serve as a condition to allow the linking. Passing a null or empty string value would discard the control.
* @param {!Number} originalFactor The factor by which to multiply the original property value. If omitted, a value of 1.0 is assumed
* @param {!Number} inputFactor The factor by which to multiply the input value. If omitted, a value of 1.0 is assumed
* @param {!Number} multiplicationFactor The factor by which to multiply the product of the originalproperty value and the input value. If omitted, a value of 0.0 is assumed
* @constructor
function AxPropertyLinkInputModel(context, linkedProperty, valueInput, conditionInput, originalFactor, inputFactor, multiplicationFactor)
if (AxUtils.IsUndefinedOrNull(originalFactor))
originalFactor = 1.0;
if (AxUtils.IsUndefinedOrNull(inputFactor))
inputFactor = 1.0;
if (AxUtils.IsUndefinedOrNull(multiplicationFactor))
multiplicationFactor = 0.0;
this.linkedProperty = linkedProperty;
this.originalFactor = originalFactor;
this.inputFactor = inputFactor;
this.multiplicationFactor = multiplicationFactor;
this.valueInput = new AxInputControls();
this.conditionInput = new AxInputControls();
this.context = context;
this.context.input.GetInputControls(this.valueInput, valueInput);
this.context.input.GetInputControls(this.conditionInput, conditionInput);
AxPropertyLinkInputModel.prototype = Object.create(AxInputModel.prototype);
* Performs the input model routines
AxPropertyLinkInputModel.prototype.Process = function()
var originalValue;
if (this.linkedProperty.type === AxParameterType.Float)
originalValue = this.linkedProperty.GetFloat();
else if (this.linkedProperty.type === AxParameterType.Int)
originalValue = this.linkedProperty.GetInt();
else if (this.linkedProperty.type === AxParameterType.Bool)
originalValue = this.linkedProperty.GetBool() ? 1.0 : 0.0;
else return;
if ((this.conditionInput.count === 0) || this.conditionInput.GetValue(speedFactor) === 0.0)
var speedFactor = this.context.timer.actualTime;
var inputValue = ((this.conditionInput.count === 0) || this.conditionInput.GetValue(speedFactor) !== 0.0) ? this.valueInput.GetValue(speedFactor) : 0.0;
var result = originalValue * this.originalFactor + inputValue * this.inputFactor + originalValue * inputValue * this.multiplicationFactor;
if (this.linkedProperty.type === AxParameterType.Float)
else if (this.linkedProperty.type === AxParameterType.Int)
else if (this.linkedProperty.type === AxParameterType.Bool)
this.linkedProperty.SetBool(AxMath.Abs(result) >= 1.0);