* Creates a new mesh
* @param {Axis} context The context to use for the mesh
* @constructor
function AxMesh(context)
this.typeId = AxMesh.classId;
this.resourceType = AxResourceType.Mesh;
this.active = true;
this.bounds = new AxBoundingVolume();
this.properties.Add(new AxProperty(new AxString('Cull'), true));
this.deviceMesh = context.graphicsDevice.CreateMesh();
this.serializeVertices = true;
this.serializeTexCoords = true;
this.serializeBones = true;
this.serializeNormals = false;
this.serializeTangents = false;
this.blendChannelsCount = 0;
this.blendChannels = null;
this.blendOrigin = null;
this.blendBuffer = null;
AxMesh.prototype = Object.create(AxResource.prototype);
AxMesh.classId = (AxResourceType.Mesh << 16) | 0;
AxMesh.propertyIndex_Cull = AxResource.propertyIndex_ChildPropertiesIndex + 0;
AxMesh.SerializationId_Vertices = 0x21111004;
AxMesh.SerializationId_Normals = 0x21112004;
AxMesh.SerializationId_TexCoords = 0x21113004;
AxMesh.SerializationId_Triangles = 0x21114004;
AxMesh.SerializationId_Bones = 0x21115004;
AxMesh.SerializationId_BlendVertices = 0x21111104;
AxMesh.prototype.Dispose = function()
* Computes normals for the mesh based on averaging the orientation of shared faces
AxMesh.prototype.ComputeNormals = function()
new AxNormalsGenerator(this.deviceMesh);
this.deviceMesh.UpdateVertices(0, -1);
* Computes tangent vectors for the mesh, based on the orientation of the mesh's texture mapping base vectors, by averaging the tangents of a vertex's shared faces
AxMesh.prototype.ComputeTangents = function()
new AxTangentsGenerator(this.deviceMesh);
this.deviceMesh.UpdateVertices(0, -1);
* Computes the bounding volume of the mesh
AxMesh.prototype.ComputeBounds = function()
v = new AxVector3();
min = new AxVector3();
max = new AxVector3();
var numVertices = this.deviceMesh.GetVertexCount();
for (var i = 0; i < numVertices; i++)
this.deviceMesh.GetVertexPosition(i, v);
AxVector3.Min(min, min, v);
AxVector3.Max(max, max, v);
AxVector3.Add(this.bounds.center, min, max);
AxVector3.Scale(this.bounds.center, this.bounds.center, 1.0 / 2.0);
AxVector3.Subtract(this.bounds.box, max, min);
AxVector3.Scale(this.bounds.box, this.bounds.box, 1.0 / 2.0);
this.bounds.sphereRadius = 0.0;
for (var i = 0; i < numVertices; i++)
this.deviceMesh.GetVertexPosition(i, v);
this.bounds.sphereRadius = AxMath.Max(this.bounds.sphereRadius, AxVector3.Distance(this.bounds.center, v));
* Tests whether the mesh gets intersected by a given ray and gives details on the intersectoin
* @param {AxVector3} rayPoint Starting point of the ray
* @param {AxVector3} rayDir Orientation of the ray
* @param {AxIntersectionInfo} intersectionInfo Outputs details on the intersection
* @return {Boolean} True if the mesh gets intersected by the given ray
AxMesh.prototype.Intersection = function(rayPoint, rayDir, intersectionInfo)
intersectionInfo.hasIntersected = false;
if (!AxMaths.RayToSphereIntersection(rayPoint, rayDir, this.bounds.center, this.bounds.sphereRadius))
return false;
var v0 = new AxVector3();
var v1 = new AxVector3();
var v2 = new AxVector3();
var intersection = new AxVector3();
intersectionInfo.distance = AxMath.FloatMax;
var numIndices = this.deviceMesh.GetIndexCount();
for (var i = 0; i < numIndices; i += 3)
var index0 = this.deviceMesh.GetIndex(i + 2);
var index1 = this.deviceMesh.GetIndex(i + 1);
var index2 = this.deviceMesh.GetIndex(i);
this.deviceMesh.GetVertexPosition(index0, v0);
this.deviceMesh.GetVertexPosition(index1, v1);
this.deviceMesh.GetVertexPosition(index2, v2);
if (AxMaths.RayToTriangleIntersection(rayPoint, rayDir, v0, v1, v2, intersection))
if ((intersection.z > 0) && (intersection.z < intersectionInfo.distance))
var delta1 = new AxVertex(), delta2 = new AxVertex();
var n0 = new AxVector3(), n1 = new AxVector3(), n2 = new AxVector3();
var texCoord0 = new AxVector2(), texCoord1 = new AxVector2(), texCoord2 = new AxVector2();
this.deviceMesh.GetVertexNormal(index0, n0);
this.deviceMesh.GetVertexNormal(index1, n1);
this.deviceMesh.GetVertexNormal(index2, n2);
this.deviceMesh.GetVertexTexCoords(index0, texCoord0);
this.deviceMesh.GetVertexTexCoords(index1, texCoord1);
this.deviceMesh.GetVertexTexCoords(index2, texCoord2);
AxVector3.Subtract(delta1.position, v1, v0);
AxVector3.Subtract(delta1.normal, n1, n0);
AxVector2.Subtract(delta1.texCoords, texCoord1, texCoord0);
AxVector3.Subtract(delta2.position, v2, v0);
AxVector3.Subtract(delta2.normal, n2, n0);
AxVector2.Subtract(delta2.texCoords, texCoord2, texCoord0);
intersectionInfo.point.position.x = v0.x + delta1.position.x * intersection.x + delta2.position.x * intersection.y;
intersectionInfo.point.position.y = v0.y + delta1.position.y * intersection.x + delta2.position.y * intersection.y;
intersectionInfo.point.position.z = v0.z + delta1.position.z * intersection.x + delta2.position.z * intersection.y;
intersectionInfo.point.normal.x = n0.x + delta1.normal.x * intersection.x + delta2.normal.x * intersection.y;
intersectionInfo.point.normal.y = n0.y + delta1.normal.y * intersection.x + delta2.normal.y * intersection.y;
intersectionInfo.point.normal.z = n0.z + delta1.normal.z * intersection.x + delta2.normal.x * intersection.y;
intersectionInfo.point.texCoords.x = texCoord0.x + delta1.texCoords.x * intersection.x + delta2.texCoords.x * intersection.y;
intersectionInfo.point.texCoords.y = texCoord0.y + delta1.texCoords.y * intersection.x + delta2.texCoords.y * intersection.y;
intersectionInfo.distance = intersection.z;
intersectionInfo.primitiveIndex = i;
intersectionInfo.hasIntersected = true;
return intersectionInfo.hasIntersected;
* Copies another mesh
* @param {AxMesh} source The mesh to be copied
AxMesh.prototype.CopyFrom = function(source)
* Sets the number of blend channels, preparing the mesh for blending
* Blend channels are versions of the mesh, but with different deformations. These versions are used to blend in different amount witht he original to morph it and to create animations.
* Blend channels correspond to the "Morph" modificator in 3DS Max the and "Blending" in Maya
* @param {type} numberOfChannels The number of blend channels to set for use
AxMesh.prototype.SetBlendChannelsCount = function(numberOfChannels)
if (this.blendChannels !== null)
this.blendChannelsCount = 0;
this.blendChannels = null;
this.blendOrigin = null;
this.blendBuffer = null;
if (numberOfChannels > 0)
for (var i = 0; i < numberOfChannels; i++)
var propName = new AxString("Blend " + i.toString());
var prop = this.GetProperty(propName);
if (prop === null)
prop = this.properties.Add(new AxProperty(propName, 0.0));
this.propertyIndex_Blend = this.properties.IndexOf(this.GetProperty("Blend 0"));
var vertexCount = this.deviceMesh.GetVertexCount();
this.blendChannelsCount = numberOfChannels;
this.blendChannels = [];
this.blendOrigin = [];
this.blendBuffer = [];
for (var i = 0; i < numberOfChannels * vertexCount; i++)
this.blendChannels.push(new AxVector3());
for (var i = 0; i < vertexCount; i++)
this.blendOrigin.push(new AxVector3());
this.blendBuffer.push(new AxVector3());
this.deviceMesh.GetVertexPosition(i, this.blendOrigin[i]);
* Applies blending channels and changes the mesh geometry
AxMesh.prototype.ApplyBlendChannels = function()
if (this.blendChannelsCount === 0)
var vertexCount = this.deviceMesh.GetVertexCount();
//this.blendBuffer = this.blendOrigin.slice(0);
for (var i = 0; i < vertexCount; i++)
this.blendBuffer[i].x = this.blendOrigin[i].x;
this.blendBuffer[i].y = this.blendOrigin[i].y;
this.blendBuffer[i].z = this.blendOrigin[i].z;
for (var channelIndex = 0; channelIndex < this.blendChannelsCount; channelIndex++)
var blendFactor = this.properties.Get(this.propertyIndex_Blend + channelIndex).GetFloat();
if (AxMath.Abs(blendFactor) < 0.01)
for (var vertexIndex = 0; vertexIndex < vertexCount; vertexIndex++)
var blendVector = this.blendChannels[channelIndex * vertexCount + vertexIndex];
var blendSum = this.blendBuffer[vertexIndex];
blendSum.x += blendVector.x * blendFactor;
blendSum.y += blendVector.y * blendFactor;
blendSum.z += blendVector.z * blendFactor;
for (var vertexIndex = 0; vertexIndex < vertexCount; vertexIndex++)
this.deviceMesh.SetVertexPosition(vertexIndex, this.blendBuffer[vertexIndex]);
this.deviceMesh.context.gl.bindBuffer(this.deviceMesh.context.gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, this.deviceMesh.verticesPositionsBuffer);
this.deviceMesh.context.gl.bufferData(this.deviceMesh.context.gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, this.deviceMesh.verticesPositions, this.deviceMesh.context.gl.STATIC_DRAW);
//this.deviceMesh.UpdateVertices(0, vertexCount);
* Deserializes the mesh from a given stream
* @param {AxStream} source The stream holding the serialized data
* @return {Boolean} True if the deserialization was successfull
AxMesh.prototype.Deserialize = function(source)
this.serializeVertices = false;
this.serializeNormals = false;
this.serializeTexCoords = false;
this.serializeTangents = false;
this.serializeBones = false;
if (!AxResource.prototype.Deserialize.call(this, source))
return false;
if (!this.serializeNormals)
if (!this.serializeTangents)
this.deviceMesh.UpdateIndices(0, -1);
this.deviceMesh.UpdateVertices(0, -1);
return true;
* Writes chunks for all the data which is needed to serialize the mesh.
* @param {AxHierarchyStreamWriter} writer Writer to use for writing the serialization data
AxMesh.prototype.SerializeChunks = function(writer)
AxResource.prototype.SerializeChunks.call(this, writer);
var embedMeshData = this.context.settings.properties.Get(AxSettings.propertyIndex_EmbedGeneratedMeshes).GetBool();
var numVertices = this.deviceMesh.GetVertexCount();
var numIndices = this.deviceMesh.GetIndexCount();
var v3 = new AxVector3();
var v2 = new AxVector2();
var v41 = new AxVector4();
var v42 = new AxVector4();
if (this.serializeVertices || embedMeshData)
if (this.blendOrigin === null)
for (var i = 0; i < numVertices; i++)
this.deviceMesh.GetVertexPosition(i, v3);
AxSerializationUtils.SerializeVector3(writer.stream, v3);
for (var i = 0; i < numVertices; i++)
AxSerializationUtils.SerializeVector3(writer.stream, this.blendOrigin[i]);
if (this.serializeNormals)
for (var i = 0; i < numVertices; i++)
this.deviceMesh.GetVertexNormal(i, v3);
AxSerializationUtils.SerializeVector3(writer.stream, v3);
if (this.serializeTexCoords || embedMeshData)
for (var i = 0; i < numVertices; i++)
this.deviceMesh.GetVertexTexCoords(i, v2);
AxSerializationUtils.SerializeVector2(writer.stream, v2);
if (this.serializeVertices || embedMeshData)
for (var i = 0; i < numIndices; i++)
if (this.serializeBones)
for (var i = 0; i < numVertices; i++)
this.deviceMesh.GetVertexBones(i, v41, v42);
AxSerializationUtils.SerializeVector4(writer.stream, v41);
AxSerializationUtils.SerializeVector4(writer.stream, v42);
if (this.blendChannelsCount > 0)
for (var blendChannelIndex = 0; blendChannelIndex < this.blendChannelsCount; blendChannelIndex++)
for (var i = 0; i < numVertices; i++)
AxSerializationUtils.SerializeVector3(writer.stream, this.blendChannels[blendChannelIndex * numVertices + i]);
* Reads the data of a chunk. The chunk header is already read by the reader and this method deserializes the contents of the chunk. Called continuously for each of the mesh's chunks
* @param {AxHierarchyStreamReader} reader Reader to use for reading the serialized data.
* @return {Boolean} True if a chunk was successfully deserialized
AxMesh.prototype.DeserializeChunk = function(reader)
if (AxResource.prototype.DeserializeChunk.call(this, reader))
return true;
switch (reader.chunkId)
case AxMesh.SerializationId_Vertices:
var numVertices = reader.stream.ReadInt32();
if (numVertices !== this.deviceMesh.GetVertexCount())
for (var i = 0; i < numVertices; i++)
this.deviceMesh.SetVertexPosition(i, AxSerializationUtils.DeserializeVector3(reader.stream));
this.serializeVertices = true;
case AxMesh.SerializationId_Normals:
var numVertices = reader.stream.ReadInt32();
if (numVertices !== this.deviceMesh.GetVertexCount())
for (var i = 0; i < numVertices; i++)
this.deviceMesh.SetVertexNormal(i, AxSerializationUtils.DeserializeVector3(reader.stream));
this.deserializedNormals = true;
this.serializeNormals = true;
case AxMesh.SerializationId_TexCoords:
var numVertices = reader.stream.ReadInt32();
if (numVertices !== this.deviceMesh.GetVertexCount())
for (var i = 0; i < numVertices; i++)
this.deviceMesh.SetVertexTexCoords(i, AxSerializationUtils.DeserializeVector2(reader.stream));
this.serializeTexCoords = true;
case AxMesh.SerializationId_Triangles:
var numIndices = reader.stream.ReadInt32();
for (var i = 0; i < numIndices; i++)
this.deviceMesh.SetIndex(i, reader.stream.ReadUInt32());
case AxMesh.SerializationId_Bones:
var numVertices = reader.stream.ReadInt32();
if (numVertices !== this.deviceMesh.GetVertexCount())
var boneIndices = new AxVector4();
var boneWeights = new AxVector4();
for (var i = 0; i < numVertices; i++)
boneIndices = AxSerializationUtils.DeserializeVector4(reader.stream);
boneWeights = AxSerializationUtils.DeserializeVector4(reader.stream);
this.deviceMesh.SetVertexBones(i, boneIndices, boneWeights);
this.serializeBones = true;
case AxMesh.SerializationId_BlendVertices:
var numBlendChannels = reader.stream.ReadInt32();
var numVertices = reader.stream.ReadInt32();
for (var blendChannelIndex = 0; blendChannelIndex < numBlendChannels; blendChannelIndex++)
for (var i = 0; i < numVertices; i++)
this.blendChannels[blendChannelIndex * numVertices + i] = AxSerializationUtils.DeserializeVector3(reader.stream);
return false;
return true;