Source: Engine/AxScreenPickEvents.js

 * Creates an object instance of AxScreenPickEvents
 * @param {Axis} context The instance of axis, which calls the events
 * @constructor
function AxScreenPickEvents(context) 
{, context);

    this.screenCoords = new AxVector3();

    this.entityInfo = new AxTraceParameters();
    this.intersectionInfo = new AxIntersectionInfo();
AxScreenPickEvents.prototype = Object.create(AxTraceEvents.prototype);

AxScreenPickEvents.prototype.Dispose = function()

 * Prepares the events for processing a scene and testing for intersecion with the given point on the screen.
 * The sceen coordinates are in screen unit space in the interval [-1, 1] from left to right and [-1, 1] from bottom to top
 * @param {AxVector2} screenCoords The unit coordinates on the screen, at which to perform the picking
AxScreenPickEvents.prototype.SetupScreenPick = function(screenCoords)
    this.screenCoords.Set(screenCoords, 0.0);
    this.intersectionInfo.hasIntersected = false;
    this.intersectionInfo.distance = AxMath.FloatMax;
AxScreenPickEvents.prototype.OnMesh = function(parameters)
    if ((parameters.cameraRef === null) || (parameters.transformRef === null))

    var transform = new AxMatrix();
    AxMatrix.Multiply(transform, parameters.transformRef.pivotedWorldMatrix, parameters.cameraRef.viewProjection);
    if (!parameters.meshRef.bounds.InsideViewFrustum(transform))

    var origin = new AxVector3();
    var direction = new AxVector3();
    AxMaths.ScreenSpaceToVolumetricRay(origin, direction, this.screenCoords, transform);

    var intersectionInfo = new AxIntersectionInfo();
    if (parameters.meshRef.Intersection(origin, direction, intersectionInfo))
        var screenSpacePosition = new AxVector3();
        AxVector3.Transform(screenSpacePosition, intersectionInfo.point.position, transform);
        intersectionInfo.distance = AxVector3.Distance(this.screenCoords, screenSpacePosition);

        if (intersectionInfo.distance < this.intersectionInfo.distance)
            this.entityInfo = parameters;
            this.intersectionInfo = intersectionInfo;

AxScreenPickEvents.prototype.OnTransform = function(parameters)

Documentation generated by JSDoc 3.5.3 on Mon Feb 19 2018 20:39:26 GMT+0200 (FLE Standard Time)