Axis Soras

Axis Soras

Soras is Axis' software rasterizer. It's a device which doesn't depend on graphics hardware and can be used as a fallback device for rendering simple geometry or in situations where graphics hardware is unavailable

It is a self-contained rendering device with limited functionality, yet it supports some of Axis' capabilities. Its features include:

  • A pipeline similar to that of standard renderers
  • Layered shading model, similar to Axis'
  • Vertex and Pixel level shading
  • Texture, Environment, Bump mapping
  • Point and bilinear filtered texture sampling
  • Various effects like fog, noise, cell shading and others
  • Skinning animation
  • Dynamic lighting
  • Multi-threaded rendering

Soras can provide light weight 3D capabilities, independent on graphics hardware. This might be of use in typical application with forms interface, including business software, where a simple 3D model or scene has to be visualized without much fuss about it.