Source: Engine/Entities/Mechanisms/AxFloatValueMechanism.js

 * Creates a new float value mechanism. Used to produce a simple floating point value
 * @param {Number} value The value which the mechanism is to produce
 * @constructor
function AxFloatValueMechanism(value)

    this.typeId = AxFloatValueMechanism.classId;

    this.parameter.SetFloat(value); AxProperty(new AxString("Value"), value));

AxFloatValueMechanism.prototype = Object.create(AxMechanism.prototype);

AxFloatValueMechanism.classId = AxMechanism.classId | 101;

AxFloatValueMechanism.propertyIndex_Value = AxResource.propertyIndex_ChildPropertiesIndex + 0;

AxFloatValueMechanism.prototype.Dispose = function()

 * Performs the routines of the mechanism and returns whether the mechanism should continue to be processed the next frame
 * @param {Number} deltaTime The time in milliseconds, between the previous and the current call. Used to perform time based routines
 * @return {Boolean} True, if the mechanism hasn't finished its job and should continue to be processed in the next frame
AxFloatValueMechanism.prototype.Process = function(deltaTime)
    this.parameter.value =;
    return true;

Documentation generated by JSDoc 3.5.3 on Mon Feb 19 2018 20:39:26 GMT+0200 (FLE Standard Time)